ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

Very strange. People are understandably venting about the probable rape, and certainly brutal beheading, of two innocent young women. If that deserves being "reported" then go ahead. Has this country really got to the point where being angry about such things is unacceptable? Please go ahead and hit the RTM button.
I will never go to an Islamic country or anywhere where these sicko’s could be lurking.

Stay at home then.....
After all, due to British foreign policy, 3/4 of the world are advised to be avoided by the FO if you have British passport. For the rest, there is no issue.
However because it is proven that more "sicko's" are living in Britain, do you plan to leave the island also?

Btw do you plan to avoid Sweden and USA also? Having the second and third highest rates in rapes, after South Africa? How about Britain, which is fourth on the list?

This incident could occur in any country around the world, even Britain. Personally I am surprised happened in Morocco. One of the most stable and safe muslim countries next to Jordan and Iran.
And the Sultan has taken great steps over the past 25 years, (iron rule) to promote tourism and establish huge entertainment industry used by the corporations.
All entertainment content in relation to middle east, is filmed in Morocco resulting to hundrends of million coming into the country annualy.
Anywhere you look and see desert in series or films, it is done Morocco.
Back to ISIS......
I see from the "west" anti Trump media, the condemnation of Trump from moving troops out of Syria.
Which is peculiar as the USA invaded Syria a sovereign country, and nobody asked for its help. Contrary Syria asked help from Russia and Iran.....

Is funny also seeing in USA the hypocricy of those who marched, protested against the Vietnam war (even went to prison), been at the forefront contemning Trump in this case here.
Petty politics at it's best.

However here there is no alternative. Turkey is going to destroy the Kurds and the US has only 2 options. Either allows Turkey to do so, or destroy NATO.
And i see what option the US has opted to follow. Not to destroy NATO of course.
But this isn't something new. Given that the West has bend over backwards to Turkey over the last 60 years, ignoring genocides and purges (Greeks, Armenians, Kurds), occupation of a country (Cyprus), the daily threats of war, invasion of airspace and waters of other sovereign states (Greece, Cyprus), the bullying of corporations like the Italian ENI, Total and Exxon Mobil not allowing gas drilling inside the territorial waters of Cyprus and Greece. (the latter two incidents draw the French & US navies to show force the last few months)

Hell back in March - April, Turkey had closed completely the Cypriot waters with rolling NOTAM, effectively sieging the country.
And the apeasement of the bully will continue tbh at any cost or until Israel decides had enough. (as is directly affecting it's deals with Cyprus, Egypt & Greece for the gas extraction)

All these aren't reported here, because they are "too technical" for the media, and historically going so long, that difficult to put in perspective.
Stay at home then.....
After all, due to British foreign policy, 3/4 of the world are advised to be avoided by the FO if you have British passport. For the rest, there is no issue.
However because it is proven that more "sicko's" are living in Britain, do you plan to leave the island also?

Btw do you plan to avoid Sweden and USA also? Having the second and third highest rates in rapes, after South Africa? How about Britain, which is fourth on the list?

This incident could occur in any country around the world, even Britain. Personally I am surprised happened in Morocco. One of the most stable and safe muslim countries next to Jordan and Iran.
And the Sultan has taken great steps over the past 25 years, (iron rule) to promote tourism and establish huge entertainment industry used by the corporations.
All entertainment content in relation to middle east, is filmed in Morocco resulting to hundrends of million coming into the country annualy.
Anywhere you look and see desert in series or films, it is done Morocco.
Where do you get your "statistics" fom regarding the rapes per capita.
Very strange. People are understandably venting about the probable rape, and certainly brutal beheading, of two innocent young women. If that deserves being "reported" then go ahead. Has this country really got to the point where being angry about such things is unacceptable? Please go ahead and hit the RTM button.

RIP ladies :(
I really hope Morocco decide to pass the death penalty on them. They deserve nothing less. I don’t think there’s one country in the world who would criticise them for it.
Gotta hand it to Morocco, their no.2 source of income is tourism.. so they brutally rape and behead tourists on the mountains treks they are trying desperately to make popular.

Wonder how their tourism industry will be effected by one incident.

Hopefully the tourism dries up like Egypt, and the country turns to dust.
Seems your salty about something, 41000 counts of rape in 2017 puts the UK at 4th in the world per capita, as little as three years ago the average per year was 15000? Seems its you who needs to get back to Google. Savemysweden seems like a legit source of information as well.
Seems your salty about something, 41000 counts of rape in 2017 puts the UK at 4th in the world per capita, as little as three years ago the average per year was 15000? Seems its you who needs to get back to Google. Savemysweden seems like a legit source of information as well.

Plenty of UN figures/reports on sexual violence/rape/assault on women etc you see a pattern for the most part
Seems your salty about something, 41000 counts of rape in 2017 puts the UK at 4th in the world per capita, as little as three years ago the average per year was 15000? Seems its you who needs to get back to Google. Savemysweden seems like a legit source of information as well.

Seems even ONS own figures don't persuade you, how a website who states sources across world will....
The "If Daily Mail or the BBC don't report it, it doesn't exist" mentality, breeds sheep not free citizens in a democracy. Thats from the ONS report, which you passed by seeing the official police figures which the report states "Police recorded crime data are not designated as National Statistics."

  • The CSEW estimated that 20% of women and 4% of men have experienced some type of sexual assault since the age of 16, equivalent to an estimated 3.4 million female victims and 631,000 male victims.

  • An estimated 3.1% of women (510,000) and 0.8% of men (138,000) aged 16 to 59 experienced sexual assault in the last year, according to the year ending March 2017 CSEW; no significant change from the previous year’s survey.

  • The CSEW showed that around 5 in 6 victims (83%) did not report their experiences to the police.
  • The increase in sexual offences recorded by the police is thought to be driven by improvements in recording practices and a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes, including non-recent victims
Plenty of UN figures/reports on sexual violence/rape/assault on women etc you see a pattern for the most part

Mate, when you have the whole British media, brushing under the carpet the UN damning report on poverty, and the UK government completely dismishing it.
Yet the report is worse than the one of Greece, a bankrupt country.

At least the media did reported that in UK 600 homeless died last year, a 24% increase over the 5 last years.

600 dead!!!!! In the 5th biggest economy which squanders billions on foreign wars, like the one in this very discussion. Because ISIS is the byproduct of US, UK and Saudi policies and money to topple Assad. All these "anti regime protesters" who got funded and armed.

And lets not forget the Arab Brotherhood in Egypt, so much supported by the British media.
They "governened" also the country, to the point forced the Egyptian Army to establish a dictatorship, stopping the country to convert to islamic state and drag it into civil war.

Something that we did in Iraq, Syria & Libya. And effectively in Afganistan, where "we" never controlled more than some cities and less than 25% of the country after 17 years of bloodshed.
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