ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

He never complained about ammo

Was talking about the specific scenario you referred to where 6 military police were killed - looking it up it seems they had 50 rounds each (still far too little) but I'm sure one of the reports said some of them had even less than that.
Was talking about the specific scenario you referred to - looking it up it seems they had 50 rounds each (still far too little) but I'm sure one of the reports said some of them had even less than that.

Oh right, don't know much about the details of what happened but it sounded like army incompetence. Leaving a handful of lightly armed military police with no backup alone in a police station in a hostile area. Jesus, what were they thinking.

On the topic of this here's the father of one of those military policemen killed for no reason whatsoever as a result of a war based on lies laying into Tony Blair.

The discomfort of Blair is quite enjoyable.

This video doesn't have it, but there's another where he turns to face the scumbag Blair and stares him out.

Maybe Johno can explain the necessity of his son's death.
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I've been rude to you Rroff when I shouldn't have been as you didn't have to be decent as you were tonight.

We disagree on foreign policy, but not a big deal really.

My apologies. In future arguments (as we agree on very little :)) I will avoid being insulting which is a flaw in my character. Same applies if I have been rude to Johno and others. I don't mean it really :) I just type in a stream of consciousness without thinking.

P.S. Yes, I am ******, but I will try to honour this from tomorrow onwards :)
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You are a virtuous, upstanding, respectable guy. Keep on telling people about how much you care. Go you.

It's strange that your belief in humanity is so low, that when you see someone who cares about mass deaths you can't see it as anything other than virtue signalling. And demand proof of offline activities - presumably pushing American tanks backwards out of Iraq or something - to demonstrate to your satisfaction that they do. Does it not occur to you that countering lies and disinformation is an action?

And all the time you keep on posting how you don't care at all as if that is some kind of virtue.
Cheers, Rroff. We can agree on one thing at least :)

Yeah, from what he told me they were sent out completely unprepared and unequiped in death trap vehicles that couldn't even withstand IEDs. You know the landrovers they have in Northern Ireland? That's what they had.

He had to buy his own body armour, boots and various other things online as the army standard issue was utterly useless.

This is partly why I get so heated about all of this. If people advocate for interfering in other countries it is our troops who have to go out there and be killed.

They should only be sent if there's a ******* good reason and I see none. Self defence only.

Dark humour, but this brings back the Two Johns sketch about Iraq. Quite brilliant.

They did another one about Iraqi WMD as well.
"So... how do you know that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction?"
"Well, ah, receipts, mostly."
More drivel. This Kay character can't substantiate that they actually posed a threat and relies on hypothetical situations where in the future they possibly could.

It's ********.

Let's boil it down to one simple question:

What threat was Iraq to the UK in 2003? What threat justified deploying our troops? You know British soliders died over this ********? Were disabled for life over these lies?

Justify it.

Did you fight in Iraq? If you didn't, why not? Or are you just willing 'to fight for the last drop of someone else's blood' like your pathetic hero Christopher Hitchens?

My brother fought in Iraq and thank god he didn't die, but he knew people who did. Remember the police station where a squad of military police were killed? He trained with all of them.

******* armchair warriors disgust me.

No I guess I wasn't brave enough.

I know you stupidly attribute all those deaths to Tony Blair and George Bush, you absolve the actual murderers of their crimes, heres why you shouldnt -

I said at the start im not sure it was worth it, but one day someone would have to fight these tyrants, Saddam was not going to go away. Part of me says "**** that part of the world not our business" another says, co existence with theocratic fascists isn't possible long term. Just look at North Korea, the life of the individual is pointless, they're property of the state, its really quite sad.
I know you stupidly attribute all those deaths to Tony Blair and George Bush, you absolve the actual murderers of their crimes, heres why you shouldnt -

Slate is journalistic sewage and the general gist of the article goes: some people think the Lancet's figures might be wrong but having started by insinuating this we don't have any actual counter-arguments so lets assume they're right. We think (n.b. the Slate article is from 2006) that the hundreds of thousands that have died from our invasion will probably end up less than the sanctions we were imposing were killing once all the fighting has died down which it soon will. And that really killing all those people was probably a good thing anyway because we think some percentage of them might have blown up mosques. Oh, and finally the article also makes some weird assertion that people who were against the invasion were in favour of sanctions which isn't my memory of myself or others in the Stop The War protests I was involved in. We were against the sanctions too for the simple reason that they were killing Iraqi citizens and helping keep Saddam in power. TL;DR: You googled for something that quibbled with the Lancet's figures and this dross was the best you could come up with.

If Slate is the sort of source you use to form your views, no wonder you come out with such dross. Crap in, crap out. I may disagree with Rroff but at least they are informed and make cogent arguments. My chief issue being that they keep abstracting the real discussion to keep discussion in arguable hypotheticals (they may see it differently but that's how I receive it). You however, can't do that.

Part of me says "**** that part of the world not our business" another says, co existence with theocratic fascists isn't possible long term.

Saddam's government was secular. Gaddaffi's government held down Islamists. Assad's government is Secular. The allies that we support are the Islamists / non-secular. The theocratic fascists are ours. Saudi Arabia helped spread Wahabism at our request.

And the problem isn't that it's wrong to help promote freedom and democracy. Sometimes even through the military force. The problem is that this is not our goal and that therefore our actions aren't calculated to achieve such things.

Just look at North Korea, the life of the individual is pointless, they're property of the state, its really quite sad.

Well when we find large oil reserves in North Korea or someone moves it closer to Israel, I'm sure the West will suddenly discover some altruism to spare.
It's funny getting into a conversation with someone who thinks Iraq wasn't about oil. I guess around fifteen years is the sort of time period for revisionism to start setting in. Gives me a change to re-post more videos of Bird and Fortune. :)
Slate is journalistic sewage and the general gist of the article goes: some people think the Lancet's figures might be wrong but having started by insinuating this we don't have any actual counter-arguments so lets assume they're right. We think (n.b. the Slate article is from 2006) that the hundreds of thousands that have died from our invasion will probably end up less than the sanctions we were imposing were killing once all the fighting has died down which it soon will. And that really killing all those people was probably a good thing anyway because we think some percentage of them might have blown up mosques. Oh, and finally the article also makes some weird assertion that people who were against the invasion were in favour of sanctions which isn't my memory of myself or others in the Stop The War protests I was involved in. We were against the sanctions too for the simple reason that they were killing Iraqi citizens and helping keep Saddam in power. TL;DR: You googled for something that quibbled with the Lancet's figures and this dross was the best you could come up with.

If Slate is the sort of source you use to form your views, no wonder you come out with such dross. Crap in, crap out. I may disagree with Rroff but at least they are informed and make cogent arguments. My chief issue being that they keep abstracting the real discussion to keep discussion in arguable hypotheticals (they may see it differently but that's how I receive it). You however, can't do that.

Saddam's government was secular. Gaddaffi's government held down Islamists. Assad's government is Secular. The allies that we support are the Islamists / non-secular. The theocratic fascists are ours. Saudi Arabia helped spread Wahabism at our request.

I think Hitchens point which you seemed to have missed is a lot of the deaths were obviously from sectarian violence.

Ok maybe not theocratic as such but definitely not secular, he had 'god is great' added to the flag and mosques built in his name. Assads regime pretends to be secular but I don't think it is, it only has Alawites in the government.

You're right on that though, our government is stupid and has imported our terrorism, so has the whole of europe actually, the only countries spared of islamic inspired violence are countries with zero or little muslim populations.
We disagree on foreign policy, but not a big deal really.

My apologies. In future arguments (as we agree on very little :)) I will avoid being insulting which is a flaw in my character. Same applies if I have been rude to Johno and others. I don't mean it really :) I just type in a stream of consciousness without thinking.

P.S. Yes, I am ******, but I will try to honour this from tomorrow onwards :)

Its ok im a big boy I can hack it :) Glad your brother made it out alive btw.
It's strange that your belief in humanity is so low, that when you see someone who cares about mass deaths you can't see it as anything other than virtue signalling. And demand proof of offline activities - presumably pushing American tanks backwards out of Iraq or something - to demonstrate to your satisfaction that they do. Does it not occur to you that countering lies and disinformation is an action?

And all the time you keep on posting how you don't care at all as if that is some kind of virtue.
You misunderstood.

Words are cheap. You know the concept of virtue signalling. It's very easy to sit, post and posture. It's hilarious how many morally superior, jumped up little cretins that I find myself drawn into arguments with when the reality is they haven't the foggiest idea what they're really talking about. They've not been there, they're not involved at all and they hoover up third hand biased information and regurgitate it like it's fact and like they're making some kind of revelation when they do.

So I've quite simply stopped caring about those people and their opinions.

And it is virtue signalling, because if they really did care, they'd get off the Internet and take real measures to counter their rich, oil fueled lifestyle. Hypocrites!
And it is virtue signalling, because if they really did care, they'd get off the Internet and take real measures to counter their rich, oil fueled lifestyle. Hypocrites!

I see. And what measures should I be taking which I'm not, in order to meet your standard for being able to make factual criticisms in public? Deeply curious.
I see. And what measures should I be taking which I'm not, in order to meet your standard for being able to make factual criticisms in public? Deeply curious.
So again, you're diverting the discussion away from the point in the first place....

Tell me why you care so much and then tell me why your cares don't extend to all nations across the world. Why Syria in particular? Go on, show me really how much you care, and not just by some words on a forum that don't matter.

Go on.
So again, you're diverting the discussion away from the point in the first place....

No, you are diverting it by responding to Amnesia's argument with questioning the suitability of them to make such an argument. An Ad Hominem. What I am doing, is simply indulging you for a few moments by asking what actions you are referring to that I should be doing which I am not? In order for it to be acceptable to debate here, that is. Now, second time - please tell me what they are. Humour me.
So I've quite simply stopped caring about those people and their opinions


i guess its why you're still here, its why you angrily keep on quoting people, its why you keep telling us you know better, its why you keep insulting people calling them cretins.

Its all because 'you don't care'.

You're right, I do care

Also lets not forget you breaking down into tears and then admitting that^^.
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Also lets not forget you breaking down into tears and then admitting that^^.

I think whilst RoboCod's weaponised nihilism has provided a bit of welcome comic relief to the thread, it's pretty much a sideshow to the more substantive and productive back and forth with Rroff and others. So though I still await Robocod's answer to what exactly I should be doing that I'm not, I'm not going to hold my breath or invest much more in this.

i guess its why you're still here, .

Well I did create the thread... *shrug*

You repeatedly live up to your username. It's alright, I asked a question you didn't like and couldn't answer. You've since retorted with wise cracks. It's brilliant :D
I think whilst RoboCod's weaponised nihilism has provided a bit of welcome comic relief to the thread, it's pretty much a sideshow to the more substantive and productive back and forth with Rroff and others. So though I still await Robocod's answer to what exactly I should be doing that I'm not, I'm not going to hold my breath or invest much more in this.
I'll answer questions when the one I asked first is answered.
I'll answer questions when the one I asked first is answered.

But I'm trying to answer your question. :D Tell me what it is that you think I need to be doing that I'm not in order to be suitable to comment here and I'll be able to tell you if I'm doing them or not. Also, isn't it rather petty to refuse to answer? It's a very simple question. Or are we going to have a repeat here with us going round and round with you finding ways and reasons not to answer it.
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