ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

I think that most people live in the real world. They tell the truth.
If any of my children did this kind of thing(200% wouldn't) I'd shout to the world what a evil No disguised swearing - Gilly**** they was.

Most people live in the real world.

Many people have trouble reconciling what they knew of people close to them and what those people have done, at least in the short term when they initially become aware of it.
Look up the five stages of grief for an example of the sort of thing I'm talking about.

Seriously watch any news report where they're talking to the friends/family/neighbours of someone who has done something terrible, you've got a very good chance of hearing something along the lines of "he was such a nice man" or "a pleasant guy, never a peep out of him".
Just noticed the French attacks 1 min silence. Nice touch, thoughts and prayers with the people of Paris. RIP all those who lost their lives in the tragic events Friday. (official thread appears closed, apologies if off topic)
I don't have time right now to go back more than a few pages so I must have missed your posts. Why it's OK for France to bomb Syria when the terrorists are French and Belgian. Shouldn't these areas be targeted first?

No idea. Personally, I think the RAF should flatten Luton as a precautionary measure.

Some parts of Tower Hamlets could probably do with a few carefully targeted drone strikes too...

derp derp derp
A pre-emptive strike against people that may never do anything and may never have any reason to, they just happen to know someone that might?

I understand that you are scared but that's not the right answer.

I'm not scared just pragmatic. I'm quite happy to go about my every day business. Was in London over the weekend on the tube etc. it won't stop me.

You're right though, out of the 3000 or so on the watch list the majority will do nothing but there will be an element which, if given the chance, would try and cause some damage in this country. It could be 5, 10 or 20%. Only the intelligence services knows that. It's these individuals that should be given their marching orders but human rights prevent the authorities from doing so. Even if you've already murdered/raped in the UK you can't deport people, it's ridiculous.

The problem is that as more and more of these attacks happen people's patience will wear thin and that will not be a good thing.
I personally think our foreign policy has been absolutely disgraceful and murderous since 2001. I also find many aspects of Islam regressive and see no good use for them in our society.

I'm sure the majority of the populous are in my position. I honestly think it's just a waiting game, holding strong and ensuring an alternative narrative is kept centre and front.
Most people live in the real world.

Many people have trouble reconciling what they knew of people close to them and what those people have done, at least in the short term when they initially become aware of it.
Look up the five stages of grief for an example of the sort of thing I'm talking about.

Seriously watch any news report where they're talking to the friends/family/neighbours of someone who has done something terrible, you've got a very good chance of hearing something along the lines of "he was such a nice man" or "a pleasant guy, never a peep out of him".

Agree with you but this just smacks of the same old tired soundbites we hear ad nauseam in response to these endless Islamic attacks :

He's been suffering from anxiety and depression.
Mental illness is responsible for this.
Not a real muslim.
Isolated case.

This time, "he may have blown himself up because of stress"

It's becoming beyond a joke.
or the guy who grew up in Luton with no connection to Iraq/Afghanistan but who'd listened to a hate preacher/watched Islamist youtube videos etc..

it can act as a catalyst sure but frankly you're damned if you do and damned if you don't in that respect... we intervened in

Syria is the result of the Arab spring, there would be issues with terrorism there whether we rian style massacres.

Lets not forget that Assad, who Russia are still trying to prop up, was basically trying to commit genocide in response to the uprising he was facing.

As Hitch points out the western world has been attacked as a result of stopping a genocide in East Timor even. Blaming western foreign policy is a poor excuse. Frankly there are areas where we ought to step in and offer assistance and the threat of militant Islamist shouldn't be a barrier to this. If there is some foreign policy to blame behind this then it is Saudi foreign policy exporting radical Islam not US/UK foreign policy.

If Assad was you think the situation would be any worse than say, Libya, Iraq or even Egypt?

If we had quashed the uprising with Assad, IS wouldn't have a foothold there and the war would have been over years ago...
Colonel Richard Kemp former COBRA Chairman has just been on TV and guess how many people are on a watch list in the UK (MI5 stats)..?

3, 30, 300 no try 3,000 and that's the ones they know about. This country is pathetic in dealing with these people. I'd just deport them and I don't care where and I don't care about their human rights. Just get rid. All decent Muslim people should want them out too.

If anyone on that list is British born then where would you deport them to ?
Agree with you but this just smacks of the same old tired soundbites we hear ad nauseam in response to these endless Islamic attacks :

He's been suffering from anxiety and depression.
Mental illness is responsible for this.
Not a real muslim.
Isolated case.

This time, "he may have blown himself up because of stress"

It's becoming beyond a joke.

Yep, we hear these every time a killing / mass murder is carried out by a non-muslim.
My original posts were a response to those posts.

I questioned your post and all you have done is link me back to it.

Is "derp derp derp" your attempt at an answer?

erm no those posts were in response to yours - Stop that - Gilly

I'm not sure an answer is justified to something so stupid - the whole point of those posts was mockery
Who posted before who doesn't matter.

I'm just trying to understand why flattening Luton and bombing Tower Hamlets sounds like a good response to what happened in Paris.
To the country with which the have an allegiance to. So, in the case of what's just happened in France I'd try and deport them to Syria.

You would deport up to 3000 UK born people to Syria if a terrorist was found here with a fake Syrian passport on them?
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