ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Aye he sails very close to the edge and has been associated with a lot of people over the years that have end up in prison / Syria / doing terroristy stuff.

The guy's a lizard. He's happy enough to smarm about and talk all of the tightrope walking nonsense that he does, but he wouldn't for one second even consider martyring himself. Much easier to just talk disillusioned folk into doing it while he enjoys life in a country with so much to offer him, and the freedom to do as he pleases.

As someone else said in here, if he really thought -- for one second -- that ISIS' foundation Caliphate was truly 'a kind of utopia', he'd be on a plane.

But he isn't.

In the truest sense of the phrase, he's nothing but a false prophet. All mouth, no trousers.
That Choudary person needs to be tied up with some expanding foam down the esophagus! Job done ;)

ISIS chop heads, shoot people, burn and launch off buildings. Its so yesterday, no imagination these people. :rolleyes:

It is bloody nuts but its our fault, well not me and you but goverbent policies! :mad:
Anjem Choudary has been so high profile now for so long that I can only conclude that he's an MI5 agent, a turd for Islamic jihadi flies to feast on. A bit like Combat-18 was for neo-nazis.
Yep and herewithin lies the problem with religion and ideological thinking that is religion like. It removes the thought process so people can rationalise what is abhorrent and obviously wrong.

Although in fairness we can see in multiple threads here that is not the only mechanic people can reach some strange conclusions by not thinking for a variety of reasons but nothing quite shapes it into such deviant forms as the rationalisation that "bad" acts are being done for a "greater" purpose.

This is why everything should be done to stop such ideologies being spread, challenging them and certainly removing any state sanctioning they have. Getting rid of all faith schools would be a good start - kids aren't born religious they are indoctrinated into it.

I would say that Christianity made this country what it is today, and its heavy investment in schools was and is a fantastic thing.
Getting rid of all faith schools would be a good start - kids aren't born religious they are indoctrinated into it.

I reckon the effects vary,
I know lots of people from the local Catholic school, none of them are religious because frankly they have been dropped back into a secular society and it's not really part of our culture.
The parents only sent them there because it was the best school.

Look at the same kids going to an islamic school, when they leave they are going back into an isolated islamic culture, the parents sent them there because they wanted them to have an islamic education.

The end outcomes are different.
I don't really agree with deliberately promoting a religious counter culture, it is inviting future conflict.
How is this piece of scum can get away with doing this **** or even allowed to.

The killer of Lee Rigby has been 'converting' other inmates in prison.

Now a High Court hearing resulting from a personal injury claim Adebolajo has made has heard detail of the influence he wields in prison.

Speaking of information received on Adebolajo, Mr Justice Langstaff said: “He forms relationships easily,” He is charismatic. There is intelligence suggesting that he has had some influence on the conversion to Islam of some individuals. There is a large group of people who look up to Adebolajo.”
What do you find suspicious about them?

I watched these videos a long time ago, they real, they very cinematic for sure and a lot of is done for the camera, but the executions, murders are real.

And wow this topic is old, holy topic necromancy.

Not saying they aren't real - but some of the images/videos are definitely staged as they'd be either lethal for the person firing the weapon if real or the weapon is ineffective or doesn't work at that range, etc. (no two ways about it).

Though being ISIS it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to get people to carry out executions in a way that would kill them as well as they'd probably think it amusing.
Not saying they aren't real - but some of the images/videos are definitely staged as they'd be either lethal for the person firing the weapon if real or the weapon is ineffective or doesn't work at that range, etc. (no two ways about it).

Been a long time since I watched them, but it's very possible they modified the weapons and ammunition. I do agree, a lot of it is staged and done for the camera.
How is this piece of scum can get away with doing this **** or even allowed to.

The killer of Lee Rigby has been 'converting' other inmates in prison.

Now a High Court hearing resulting from a personal injury claim Adebolajo has made has heard detail of the influence he wields in prison.

Speaking of information received on Adebolajo, Mr Justice Langstaff said: “He forms relationships easily,” He is charismatic. There is intelligence suggesting that he has had some influence on the conversion to Islam of some individuals. There is a large group of people who look up to Adebolajo.”
We need a British Alcatraz in The Outer Hebrides, or somewhere similar, for the ever increasing number of jihadis.
Same problems the US prison system is having, the whole prison system is a recruitment and training ground for these people.
Difference is over there its gang related, if and when they are released they shoot other gangs members, over here they are released and try to blow up trains or run over crowds of innocent people.

Just get rid of them all.
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