Mik3 said:
Did you come to that conculsion yourself, or was you told to think that?
Islam was "created" by Mohammed (pbuh), He is our Prophet, so if someone does something against him, it will hurt us, kinda like if i hit a stranger you wouldnt give a toss yet if i hit one of your family, i doubt you would stand there and watch!
Dingo said:
"After the sack of the temples in Orissa, Firoz Shah Tughlaq attacked an island on the sea-coast where "nearly 100,000 men of Jajnagar had taken refuge with their women, children, kinsmen and relations". The swordsmen of Islam turned "the island into a basin of blood by the massacre of the unbelievers". "
"In 1195 AD the Mher tribe of Ajmer rose in revolt, and the Chaulukyas of Gujarat came to their assistance. Aibak had to invite reinforcements from Ghazni before he could meet the challenge. In 1196 AD he advanced against Anahilwar Patan, the capital of Gujarat. Nizami writes that after Raja Karan was defeated and forced to flee, "fifty thousand infidels were dispatched to hell by the sword" and "more than twenty thousand slaves, and cattle beyond all calculation fell into the hands of the victors"."
"After Muhammad died, many people who had converted to Islam by force imagined freedom. They thought that Islamic leadership would be distracted with trying to establish a new authority, so they began to abandon Islam. However, Abu Bakr [UBAW ker"), one of Muhammad's closest friends, was quickly recognized as successor. He spent the first three months of his authority killing those who had tried to leave Islam—eighty thousand people. This is how Abu Bakr followed the example of Muhammad"
all these facts where have you learnt them? any evidence?
Dingo said:
The Koran also enjoins all Muslims to fight and kill non-believersxlvii.4): "When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."
i guess these words that i and e36adz have reiterated doesnt mean anything to you:
1. read the whole chapter/surrouding verses
2. some of the Verses are for people of that time
can i just tell you to learn and understand Quran you DO NOT pick up the translation! you have to know the whole background, ie when and where each verse was revealed and the situation of that time etc... then you will know which verse is applicable to these times and which for that time only! and this takes years! if you want to disrepute Islam, i suggest you better start now and once you have done this come back.. but then i suppose you wouldnt have time to do this..
e36Adz said:
100% true.
Im gonna try and make this simple, so that everyone can understand it. I...ie down and die, they wont, and they never will as long as their hearts are beating.
i agree, i have always been taught that Prophet (pbuh) was all peaceful and that and so have my brothers and family.. so i have no idea how people came up with what they did without even researching anything.
LordSplodge said:
You are correct in so much as one culture is not always equal to the other. However, any culture is bound by the laws of the land. So if you live in the United Kingdom you are bound by her laws.
In this country we have freedom of speach - an essential tenament of a modern civilization and the same rules that let the Muslim protestors wave those banners.
The sword of free speach cuts both ways and perhaps people should have checked what Islam feels about drawing the prophet. They could have avoided this by not publishing but they chose to do so and are protected by law.
These civil liberties are an essential part of society and are needed for the future of mankind. We cannot live in either an Orwellian Police State or under Islamic law because both lead to the opression of basic human rights.
However, most Muslims are capable of living under the laws in the country they live in. I know a lot of Muslims and Islam is a religion of peace no matter what some non-muslims and some muslim extremists say.
how long will you keep on going about freedom of speech? its my freedom of speech to call blacks ******* and whatever else but i cant/wont because it will get me in trouble with the law and i will be branded a racist, and since when has someone been labelled a bad thing by exercising their freedom of speech. theres a limit of it.
i agree though that we should respect the land of the law BUT then that doesnt stop us from demonstrating?
cleanbluesky said:
And if we cannot draw what we wish about your prophet - what YOU want will be in our heads.
Now whose idea should take precidence?
The only difference is that you may also put forward your idea under our system, whereas you wish us NOT to have ideas you disapprove of...
how does that work? so if you dont draw you cannot visualise? actually we cannot force our ideas of something in your head, my idea is that He (pbuh) was peaceful yet some people have come in here saying He wasnt and clearly no help was needed in the form of picture.
ElRazur said:
I dont necessarily agrre with you there, im from Nigeria and i have withnessed these things first hand. There's no need to make false claims, if i dont know what anything i will rather keep my mouth shut. Those quotations are what the explanations of the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) represents. His teachings are of war and when i say war i am not talking the "good vs evil war" rather war against non-believer.
Prophet Muhammed (s.aw) unlike Jesus Christ never preached in parables i.e "when slapped on your right cheek turn the left one" he's (s.a.w) more like word for word. Bow arrows, sword (his favourite) and Horse to spread the word of God.
actually we Believe that Islam is just a little modified version of christianity and Jewism. He never taught that, and i have never ever been taught to kill someone or anything you have said, This post and others like it show how misguided you really are. Yes Islam talks about punishments, but then what do you expect to happen to you when you dont follow it? its a bit like saying i am not gonna follow the law of this land and then not expect to land in jail (well i know nowadays you hardly go in jail
but then thats democracy for you)