Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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More warped thinking.

When people say Israel should show restraint it means they shouldn't shoot unarmed civilians, build a ghetto and restrict supplies, take land away from others etc.

As a state, Israel has every right to defend itself, but it's not exactly innocent in all of this.

On a related note, speaking to friend who has lost friends in that attack and what he's heard is that those leading the attack aren't your usual 'free Palestine ' folk.
Do you acknowledge that Isreal has been showing restraint up to this point or do you think Israel didn't have the means of doing what they are about to do before now?
But consider what would happen in this country, if a terrorist organisation sprang up that consisted of Brits who started killing, Germans, for some weird political/religious reason. How long do you think Germany would tolerate that if we did absolutely nothing about it?

I am not saying that it is ever OK to specifically target civilians, but there comes a time when you just can't be too worried if there is collateral damage.

The terrorists specifically targetted civilians, and that is never acceptable. When Israel responds, well, it's impossible not to hit civilians, and in fact, it's pretty difficult to even tell who is a civilian and who isn't.
If Germany were occupying Britain I woud expect similar to happen here (although of course such violence against civilians would not be justified in our case either).
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You have to be totally insular to think it does not affect us.

Please feel free to offer an explanation as to how/why it does affect us, specially me.

I get up, I go to work, I go home, I go to bed. Nothing has changed and short of Hamas or Israel bombing Torquay, I'll be doing the same tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. Just because news is global, doesn't mean everyone should have to worry about something happening the other side of the planet.
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Something has to change.

This endless cycle of Hamas and the IDF slaughtering each other is not the answer.

Every major Israel offensive recruits a new generation of Hamas fighters.

Absolutely. This is so clear to me, and surely also to the Israeli Authorities, its almost like they want to keep the conflict going to allow further "action" to be taken.
Please feel free to offer an explanation as to how/why it does affect us, specially me.

I get up, I go to work, I go home, I go to bed. Nothing has changed and short of Hamas or Israel bombing Torquay, I'll be doing the same tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. Just because news is global, doesn't mean everyone should have to worry about something happening the other side of the planet.
The reason you can live your mundane life is because Britain has always took an interest in things happening on the other side of the planet.
If Germany were occupying Britain I woud expect similar to happen here (although of course such violence against civilians would not be justified in our case either).
Didn't Israel unilaterally withdraw from Gaza in 2005?
I don’t see this ending well for Gaza now. Complete blockade going ahead now. Electricity, fuel and food will be cut off.

EU has cut off all aid as well.
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Do you acknowledge that Isreal has been showing restraint up to this point or do you think Israel didn't have the means of doing what they are about to do before now?

Yes, treating people like rats but not nuking them is showing restraint.

This attack has given them the justification needed to move it up a notch, without too much backlash from other nations, particularly as the US (another nation that showed great restraint until 9/11) has given Israel its full support.
Yes, treating people like rats but not nuking them is showing restraint.

This attack has given them the justification needed to move it up a notch, without too much backlash from other nations, particularly as the US (another nation that showed great restraint until 9/11) has given Israel its full support.
You just can't help yourself.

But at least you acknowledge the "no restraint" line of crap was just that.
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They've blockaded it since making life virtually unliveable there. The economy is strangled and there is little access to the necessities of life.
Again, talk to Egypt and Hamas.

They seem to import weapons and the tools to make them just fine.

But a lack of necessities is Israel's fault?

Israel pulled out, apperantly supplied water and electricity, and all that did was give Hamas the space and time it needed to prepare this assault.

Enough already. Israel will never, ever, win any good will from them. Every effort they make is used against them.
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I get up, I go to work, I go home, I go to bed. Nothing has changed and short of Hamas or Israel bombing Torquay, I'll be doing the same tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. Just because news is global, doesn't mean everyone should have to worry about something happening the other side of the planet.

...I read the news today ....if you drive to work
The 1973 energy crisis was an oil shock that caused energy prices to skyrocket, resulting in fuel shortages in the United States.
The crisis was caused by the refusal of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to sell crude to the U.S.
Arab oil-producing countries launched the embargo in response to U.S. support of Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

flying around the globe might become dangerous too.
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