Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Palistinians dance in the streets and spit on the corpses of innocent civilians....then try to to play the "it wasn't us." game.

I don't think it will work this time. Israel is coming and all the "Israel shows no restraint" people are about to learn how wrong they have been.
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Palistinians dance in the streets and spit on the corpses of innocent civilians....then try to to play the "it wasn't us." game.

I don't think it will work this time. Israel is coming and all the "Israel shows no restraint" people are about to learn how wrong they have been.
A few dozen reprobates is not a people.
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The statement isn't from Hamas though. The Palestinian government isn't Hamas.

Well, that depends on where you're standing.

In Gaza, the Palestinian government is Hamas. But in the West bank, the Palestinian government is Fatah and the PA.

Probably because Abbas is walking on very thin ice as it is trying to maintain a voice within Palestinian communities without just pushing them all to Hamas's alluring fallacies.

^^ This. Abbas can't afford to anger Hamas, and he can't really afford to contradict them publicly either, because they have majority support among the Palestinians. The PA's policy of negotiation with Israel is deeply unpopular.
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Palistinians dance in the streets and spit on the corpses of innocent civilians....then try to to play the "it wasn't us." game.

I don't think it will work this time. Israel is coming and all the "Israel shows no restraint" people are about to learn how wrong they have been.

More warped thinking.

When people say Israel should show restraint it means they shouldn't shoot unarmed civilians, build a ghetto and restrict supplies, take land away from others etc.

As a state, Israel has every right to defend itself, but it's not exactly innocent in all of this.

On a related note, speaking to friend who has lost friends in that attack and what he's heard is that those leading the attack aren't your usual 'free Palestine ' folk.
Indeed, most are terrified as they face Armageddon once again.

Most should have thought of that and policed their own territory then.

I guess I have little sympathy for invading terrorists. And I also tend to think that the population behind the terrorists are somewhat complicit by their inaction.

I mean, not one of them thought to warn the Israelis? Not even one phone call to try to stop civilian casualties?

Nah, sorry, I will not lose any sleep over what is about to happen.
According to polls over 50% of Palestinian public support Hamas. If you harbour terrorists there will be collateral damage, that's the sad truth of any war.
With the elctricity cut off, mobile phones and other camera devices will eventually runout so the video recording of any atrocities perpetrated by either side will be much harder... Hey, as long as the atrocities carried out by Hamas are out in the public domain, thats ok... I'm sure the Israeli side wont do anything terrible to Palestinians anyway... (yes I'm being facetious)
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I wonder how the Christians are faring in all of this.

Nice read, bit of background on how Hamas took over too

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And I also tend to think that the population behind the terrorists are somewhat complicit by their inaction.

I mean, not one of them thought to warn the Israelis? Not even one phone call to try to stop civilian casualties?
Thats probably not too dissimilar to the mindset of the terrorists who think it's fair game to murder Israeli civilians.

Dangerous precedent when you start using this kind of logic to lump in civilians with governments and military forces.
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I mean, thats probably not too dissimilar to the mindset of the terrorists who think it's fair game to murder Israeli civilians.

Dangerous precent when you start using this kind of logic to lump in civilians with governments and military forces.

But consider what would happen in this country, if a terrorist organisation sprang up that consisted of Brits who started killing, Germans, for some weird political/religious reason. How long do you think Germany would tolerate that if we did absolutely nothing about it?

I am not saying that it is ever OK to specifically target civilians, but there comes a time when you just can't be too worried if there is collateral damage.

The terrorists specifically targetted civilians, and that is never acceptable. When Israel responds, well, it's impossible not to hit civilians, and in fact, it's pretty difficult to even tell who is a civilian and who isn't.
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