Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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25 Apr 2010
I checked the past few pages to make sure there was no other threads covering this subject!

I was wondering if any of you have been following recently? From everything I've been reading on the internet where ever I could find it, the situation has been getting increasingly more violent. Many children/innocents being killed by bombings etc. I honestly don't know what the Israeli government is trying to achieve as all this will do is create another generation of combatants out of parents of the many child victims of some of these seemingly indiscriminate attacks. Not only that but there is so much brutality by the army towards Palestinians in Israel as well.

I was wondering what anyone else thinks? if they think anything about it at all?
I created the other thread it was meant to be about the media reporting lies/creating reports without confirming the source or facts. As it seems to be happening more often these days it kinda go de railed.
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Both sides are in the wrong, and I've stopped being able to care about it any more.

Exactly, it's gone past tragic and any feeling of sympathy. I just want that region nuked off the face of the planet. Both sides have major blood on their hands.
It's depressing. Modern day apartheid. Anyone can look at Gaza and tell by its border that its just a cordoned off section to imprison an "unwanted" ethnic group. If the west bank borders were re-drawn to properly represent Palestinian settlements there today it'd just be a load of small Palestinian dots floating in vast swathes of Israeli land.

It's hard to see what will change though with the US and Israel so heavily tied together. No one can introduce any meaningful sanctions.
I checked the past few pages to make sure there was no other threads covering this subject!

I was wondering if any of you have been following recently? From everything I've been reading on the internet where ever I could find it, the situation has been getting increasingly more violent. Many children/innocents being killed by bombings etc. I honestly don't know what the Israeli government is trying to achieve as all this will do is create another generation of combatants out of parents of the many child victims of some of these seemingly indiscriminate attacks. Not only that but there is so much brutality by the army towards Palestinians in Israel as well.

I was wondering what anyone else thinks? if they think anything about it at all?

While I don't condone the firing of rockets by hammas at civilian targets the Israeli government needs to take a step back stop the indiscriminate bombing, of what is essentially a refugee prison and one of the most densely populated areas of land in the world (Gaza).
A lot of news agency don't even mention that Gaza has been occupation for over 66 years and blockade since 2007. Hamas is refereed to as terrorist organisation it was democratically elected by the Palestinian people.

So far more than 100 Palestinians have been killed, mostly civilians, including at least 23 children. More than 670 have been injured. There have as yet been no Israeli fatalities and the news does not label Israeli as Terrorists?
Israeli government continue to occupy land illegally, build illegal settlements, imprison people illegally (even children), build walls....yet they are not portrayed as terrorists?

When the No.1 Super power (USA) has anything to say about the situatio the white says " Israeli has the right to defend it self" Well I don't see how don't see how a occupying force can claim self defence......


Self defence..... yea right more like apartheid
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It seems the word 'Terrorist' and 'Israeli' cannot be used in the same sentence. I'm sorry but the Israeli militants are textbook terrorists. The US also has its head so far up Israel's arse it can't, or should I say doesn't want to, realise how courrupt and bias the one side is.
I'm sure ISIS will take some time out from killing other Muslims and rush to the defence of their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine.

oh wait...
What does supporting the Israeli terrorists gain us?

A strategic toehold in the most violent part of the world and a lot of clever Jews working in science.
Also, sodastream machines.

What does supporting the Palestinian terrorists gain us?

Excellent goat marriage options.

Anyone got any other questions that need answering?
If enough people have a vested interest, what is effectively genocide is ignored. If no one has any interest at all, genocide is effectively ignored. If you have a vested interest and start a war for profit(which can include oil rights, rebuilding contracts AND importantly increasing defence spending for american companies to support a war effort that pushes trillions of tax payers money into war mongers pockets), then when you kill hundreds of thousands of people, with huge numbers of civilians.... no one cares.

If someone kills one person, who is a friend or a nation with a treaty... a world war starts.

This world makes me sad and depressed. We created the situation, and rather than VERY quickly saying... uh, big mistake and finding UNUSED land for the displaced Jewish people, we just backed a poor decision because people don't want to admit they were wrong.

Palestinians, rightly or wrongly, have a reason to fight, their land was taken away from them and is still being taken away from them. Israel like it, with every attack they gain (crappy but good enough for their allies) political cover to continue taking more and more Palestinian land. They oppress Palestine, the Palestinians try and fight back, they oppress them more and take more land. Eventually(and probably in not too long) the Palestinian state will simply not exist, we will have supposedly legally perpetrated the complete destruction of a people, through a generation of occupation, oppression and war..... for absolutely no reason to start with.

There is massive, massive amounts of empty land around the planet, and we gave them a populated city full of people that didn't want them there... a city we did not in any way have any right to give away.

I don't support the Palestinians tactics, but they don't have the financial backing to launch a war on Israel or fight on actual battlefields army against army. They couldn't win that war because the west financed and supplied Israel with an army the Palestinians simply can't oppose.

Whole situation is a stain on the UN, the west, and the continued support because admitting how wrong everyone was is something no one is willing to do.

There is only one winner now, so we support them.
What does supporting the Israeli terrorists gain us?

A strategic toehold in the most violent part of the world and a lot of clever Jews working in science.
Also, sodastream machines.

What does supporting the Palestinian terrorists gain us?

Excellent goat marriage options.

Anyone got any other questions that need answering?

Yeah, got a spare deck chair? Lets watch the fireworks!





Know any single goats??
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What I don't get is why are they targeting residential properties, not just houses but complexes with multiple families in them. Like the one in Khan Younis where they destroyed a building killing an entire family including mum, dad and 5 children. They even know families and children live in these properties yet still attack.

It's ironic, people persecuted historically have become what they hate the most., the persecutors.
What I don't get is why are they targeting residential properties, not just houses but complexes with multiple families in them. Like the one in Khan Younis where they destroyed a building killing an entire family including mum, dad and 5 children. They even know families and children live in these properties yet still attack.

It's ironic, people persecuted historically have become what they hate the most., the persecutors.

#I think the reason is that that is often where the rockets that are being fired into israel are fired from, or being prepared.

Personally I find the situation pretty screwed up and think all sides are to blame.
Note I say all sides, not just both, as you've got the terrorists in Palestine firing rockets indiscriminatingly (and knowing the exact reaction they're likely to get*), especially doing it from what are often residential areas.
Israel for responding in force (although politically if say random people in Scotland were firing across the border and the Scottish authorities seemed unwilling/unable to do anything about it, I suspect our reaction would be similar after the first few hundred/thousand rockets).
Then you've got the various Arab nations that use the Palestinians both as pawns in their politics and from memory use Israel to help distract both the Palestinians and their own polulations (IIRC in the 60's a group of Palestinian refugees tried/planned to stage a coup in at least one of the neighbouring countries), and the likes of Iran who are actively using the situation almost as a proxy war.

In short it's a complete and utter mess, with enough vested interests and bad blood on all sides to make any sort of peace plan probably impossible.

AK22, interesting maps, especially the dates...(the 60's one is from memory after the neighbouring arab nations tried invading Israel), although I'm a little wary of any such information/map from what appears to be a very heavily biased source.

*Counter battery fire is pretty simple and well established and has been for decades.
I say leave them to it, they deserve each other. Two sides that cant and probably wont ever get on. The west will only back israel as long as theres oil in the middle east. Israel despite it's small size is able to keep the peace in that part of the world which in turn benefits us in the western world.

Once the oil in that part of the world runs out, the western powers will dissapear and leave them all to their sectarian warfare. My brother lives in israel, north of haifa and theyve had a few rocket attacks this week but apparently thats an annual thing. The palestinians run out of weapons, appeal for international aid, aid comes in from various agencys worldwide. It only funds the purchase of more weapons. They fire some more rockets, some young misguided brainwashed dick head blows himself up on a bus, which btw you never see the leaders volunteering for. Israel retaliates and the whole circle continues.
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