Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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hmmmm nope, I don't know any people that would assault someone for hurt feelings.

But thanks for confirming what you stand for and who you really are, I knew I get it out of you eventually, a little fascist. Your religion is a cancer on humanity.

Awful, awful, awful. Reported.

@2k3smian sorry that you had to read that.
That's a silly analogy though, you talk about swearing at someone's wife and children - that's an aggressive/hostile act... however no one is forced to read or buy Charlie Hebdo, you have to be actively offended by it, the people kicking off about it aren't readers who've been offended by it but people who've heard about what was printed then chosen to take extreme offense at it!

Do you not see the obvious flaw in the analogy you've used?

tut, Their imaginary friend is so much more important than your wife or children though.
Funny how he set himself up.

@koolpc. Says the person who in the last 10+ have nothing to say but Muslims hate

I thought you had Muslims friends.

But now this story. Lol

Guess the truth hurts you my friend.

Not all muslims hate. I have quite a few as friends. They too are disgusted by the muslim extremists and how the word 'racist' is thrown around for no good reason these days.
really, do you expect to say anti-semtic or nazi remarks and not expect any comeback?
be real, if you offend and expect no response then you are living in lala land

If you're offended and think violence is ok you're not better than the most base animal.
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