Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I say leave them to it, they deserve each other. Two sides that cant and probably wont ever get on. The west will only back israel as long as theres oil in the middle east. Israel despite it's small size is able to keep the peace in that part of the world which in turn benefits us in the western world.

Once the oil in that part of the world runs out, the western powers will dissapear and leave them all to their sectarian warfare. My brother lives in israel, north of haifa and theyve had a few rocket attacks this week but apparently thats an annual thing. The palestinians run out of weapons, appeal for international aid, aid comes in from various agencys worldwide. It only funds the purchase of more weapons. They fire some more rockets, some young misguided brainwashed dick head blows himself up on a bus, which btw you never see the leaders volunteering for. Israel retaliates and the whole circle continues.

1. Israel doesnt have oil so why does west continually support Israel?

2. leave them to it? have you not seen the big image of how Israel has been usurping land which means millions of Palestinians are now living in a relatively small area..

3. Israel keeping the peace? are you blind? DO you not see the atrocities committed by Israel even outside of the bombing? How palestinians are being subjected to inhumane conditions?

4. DO you even know why Hamas was formed? I keep repeating this analogy of what would you do if I came to your house and tried to push you out? would you leave quietly? I do not think so.. so what makes you think Palestinians should not object? and even with their objecting Israel is still trying to grab more land.. what exactly do you want them to do?

What I am ashamed at people like you and Israelis is that you have no compassion for a fellow human being in distress.. If only you had to go through what they go through.. Their are numerous youtbe videos of palestinians being mistreated.. yet the media every goes on about how israel is suffering..

Isnt it ironic that Israel is the terrorist since it forcefully occupied land where palestinians were living yet USA is helping them? yet with crimea and russia, USA was the first one to oppose them for doing the same.. Hypocricy..

Isnt it ironic that people in USA need money/food etc but USA is happy to spend $3 billion annually to Israel.. no wonder it has so much military power now..

Isnt it ironic a terrorist state such as Israel can have Nuclear weapons yet Iran cannot?

If you want more proof watch ex-israeli soldiers giving their opinion about this:

On a final note, did you know how many palestinians died even during the cease fire? around 500..
Both sides are scum, but judging by the actions of muslims in other countries, I'm going to support an ethnicity that will be wiped out otherwise.

You've only got to see the mass migration and persecution of other groups like Christians in the middle east, to see how fundementally intolerant most islamic countries are.
You've only got to see the mass migration and persecution of other groups like Christians in the middle east, to see how fundementally intolerant most islamic countries are.

Then you may find this article to be of interest...

Ain't just the Muslims doing the persecuting. The article just highlights the Israeli state attitude and is why I'll struggle to ever sympathise with them.

However you were right with the first part of your post, both parties are scum.
I find myself suspicious of the motivation of anyone who can bring themselves to 'support' either side in this mess. Both act appallingly.

True but unfortunately, when one side, the Palestinians, don't fight, the Israel's treat them as second class citizens, subject them to brutal behaviour and randomly kill them anyway. Just because it's not being done with bombing runs of jets that the US gave them doesn't mean it's happening.

When there is "peace", or a cease fire, it's Palestinians who are still dying in large numbers.

Ultimately what we have is a resistance force that has been fighting for 60-70 years against an invader that never had a single right to be there. They didn't come in with peace and love, they came in with military force and shoved out an entire people, then they continually mistreated them, and killed them, and attacked them and took more and more land from them.

It's akin to if WW2 had dragged on for 70 years instead of 6, and the entire time were fighting with the invading force, and people then blamed us for not just giving up and letting Germany have it.

Make no mistake, Jewish people immigrated to Palestine, owning almost none of the land there(7%) with a population that was a massive majority made up of immigrants, not Jewish people born there, they decided they deserved to own half of it(and are now basically pushing to own the entire area).

Is it okay if Germans just keep emigrating to the UK until after there are 10million here, and own 10% of land by buying houses, etc, that they can push for a German state inside the UK, no, it's nuts.

The UN's... ridiculousness in recommending a 45/55% land split in a country where the natives owned almost 90% of the land and the non natives owned only 7% was nuts. That they had no right and spent months coming up with situations in which they could put troops down to enforce it because legally there was no right to.

The situation is awful, the treatment barbaric, the attitudes horrendous. We helped commit an atrocity, and don't dare get involved now significantly because we'd have to admit what we were involved in was so wrong.

IIRC even the US initially spoke out about the UN having precisely no right to interfere or enforce their utterly ludicrous proposal.

Jewish people actively migrated to Palestine, where actually I don't know if they were welcomed or not but with very few people there immigration to the tune of 1/3rd of the population being Jewish... was allowed to happen, with the agenda of taking over. After what had been done to them in Europe... not by Arab's at all, to make such a plan themselves is disgusting itself.

If my people had just been the victim of attempted ethnic cleansing.... I would not make a plan to do that to someone else.
Then you may find this article to be of interest...

Ain't just the Muslims doing the persecuting. The article just highlights the Israeli state attitude and is why I'll struggle to ever sympathise with them.

However you were right with the first part of your post, both parties are scum.

I understand, and believe me I haven't got a lot of time for the intolerant Israelis either! I just believe them to be the lesser of two evils.
I understand, and believe me I haven't got a lot of time for the intolerant Israelis either! I just believe them to be the lesser of two evils.

yeah because they are the ones being treated inferior to another race, they are the ones who dont get clean water to drink, have to go through so many check points, have no jobs, are continually harrassed by the police, were forced out of their own land.. no wait all of this happend to them in WW2 but what a shame, they are still doing the same to another race.. without empathy human is soul less.. they are no different than a serial killer who shows no emotion..

If palestinians were living happily, were treated equally then if Hamas did that I would understand..
Personally I'd be nervous if Iran had rounded scissors, never mind nuclear devices.

I bet you **** in your pants every time you see a muslim on the street.. :rolleyes:

Iran wasnt the one who dropped nuclear weapons on Japan.. If a terrorist like ISrael committing so many atrocities can have them then so can Iran.
Read this blog about it last week. Pretty much sums it up TBH. Had to remove the colourful language, but you get the point.

The night before the three Israeli teens were found dead, I had a particularly vivid nightmare. I have no doubt it was caused by seeing too many shots and videos of Isis barbarity; crucifixions, amputations, Muslim men lined up like cattle to be shot in a ditch by other Muslims.

I do not remember most of the dream, apart from the sequence that woke me up. Two children, around seven, were blindfolded and an ISIS terrorist was preparing to kill them. In my dream I screamed out for mercy, saying they were just children, and flung myself towards them and then I woke up, heart pounding, drenched in sweat.

Later in the same day, on Twitter, the UN posted a picture of a Syrian child reaching up for a hug. Assad and Putin are starving these children to death, operating mass torture factories. We didn’t act and now it’s too late. ISIS filled the gap left by Obama. And they spread. Evil against evil.

In Nigeria, Boko Haram kidnapped 90 more girls. These are Christian women who will be forced at gunpoint to pretend to convert to Islam, then raped for the rest of their lives to men to whom they are sold.

In the Sudan, Meriam Ibrahim, Christian, wife of one American and mother of two more, was released from Sudanese custody after the US embassy apologised – yes, apologised – for issuing her a visa. The Sudan is currently detaining her two American children and Obama is doing nothing.

When later that same day I heard the teenagers were found dead, I could not imagine the horror of their mothers, or fathom that Hamas – who at one stage wanted to be thought legitimate – would blatantly say nothing to admit guilt in kidnapping them and shooting them. How scared they must have been.

And my dream came back to me very vividly. How I had screamed out to the man begging him for mercy. I wanted to beg a sorrowing and vengeful Israel for mercy. Please, go after the killers but only them. Please, do not storm into the West Bank and engage in collective punishment. Because then somebody else’s boys might die. I said as much on Twitter and was immediately accused of being anti-Israeli, a typical European and an Arabist.

Israel went in and blew up the houses of the suspected kidnappers. These kidnappers have not been caught or tried, but their house was blown up. A child was injured. Another teen, Yusuf was his name – Joseph, in Western parlance, a Hebrew name – aged 18 was shot in the chest in a refugee camp in Jenin. IDF forces say he threw a grenade at them. Palestinians claim he was a passer by. One thing is for sure, neither the injured child nor the dead teen played any role in murdering the three Israeli boys. But they were the ones who were hurt. If Israel invades Gaza, civiliians, probably young children too, will die. That is a fact.

But to say as much is to be anti-Israeli? No; no. And to say to the Muslim world, your silence is disgusting on ISIS, your funding of Syrian terror is disgusting; you fat *******s in your radical mosques in Bradford and elsewhere, radicalising English boys and sending them off to die while you sit at home doing sod all but get fat. Fatness is a part of it. Fatness, slovenliness, warmongering from teststerone free ****ers who would no more endanger themselves than go for a jog in the morning or get a real job. Is that Islamophobia? God no, no it is not. Who is killing more Muslims than anybody else? Is it Obama’s drones or Israeli rockets? No, it’s OTHER ****** MUSLIMS – ISIS are the biggest Islamophobes in the whole world.

And so when I say to Israel for the love of G-d, go after those who took your boys and no more, and am greeted by a cry of traitor, I feel like putting my head in my hands.

I think it’s time for some straight talk.

Israel, I don’t care if you are tired of the word ‘restraint’. You need to show some. Because you are losing the West. You have no idea how badly you are losing the west. Yes, Hamas are terrorists. Yes, subhuman pigs slaughtered the Fogel children, and Palestinians just as subhuman celebrated that. By all means, go after them. But if you cannot go in precisely, do not go in at all. When the IRA bombed London we did not strike Dublin. We went after individuals. Israel, I say to you with my hand on my heart; the Gaza rocket strikes have killed NO ISRAELIS. They don’t WORK. They are the weak efforts of losers. you need to understand that the West does not think it is proportionate to reply to NO DEATH with DEATH. Would I stand for rockets, would I stand for my children with PTSD because of constant rocket fire, no I would not. But my answer would be just as the earlier operations in #BringBackOurBoys – go in and capture Hamas leaders and politicians. Take the individuals. Jail them. They are terrorists. Try them. In a court. Do not reply to NO DEATH with DEATH. Hamas strikes do not kill Israelis but Israeli strikes do kill Palestinian civilians. And the rest of the world believes this imbalance is wrong.

‘Screw you, why the hell should you care what we think?” Well, you should care because with every settlement you build you are losing American public opinion. And that means that American Jews VOTE DEMOCRAT. And that means you get Barack Obama as your President and John Kerry as Secretary of State. That means you get Syria. And ISIS. That means you weaken Israel. Materially. In terms.

Israel is the victim of amazing hatred, the hatred that posts swastikas on Facebook pages to celebrate the death of those three kidnapped boys. And Israel was right – absolutely right – to build that giant wall. No Israeli buses or cafés have blown up since. The rockets do nor work. Israelis are safe.

But dearest Israel, you have no right to be in the settlements. Nobody thinks you have a right to be in the settlements. The 2012 film the Gatekeepers, featuring the last six heads of the Shin Bet, showed Israeli intelligence forces did not want the settlements. There will be no peace and no security until the settlements come down. You must dismantle the settlements unless you wish to live in this sick and deadly farce until the end of time.

And Palestine. You must stop your vicious attacks, your celebration of dead Israeli babies taken from their cots and decapitated, of the four year old Fogel boy who was reading his book in his bed when they slit his throat. You come across as inhuman, subhuman hatemongers when you do that. You MUST RECOGNISE THE STATE OF ISRAEL and give up this right to return crap. The land belonged to the Jews before it belonged to you. It is theirs. They are not going anywhere. You should take the occupied territories and build on them and live in a two-state solution with peace.

And Muslims need to stop looking at Israel whose crimes are so few in comparison to those of Assad, of Putin, of ISIS, of Saddam – of the Saudi secret police who burned those girls alive for being improperly veiled. Jerusalem is the least of the enemies of the Ummah. The sick Iraqi cycle of Sunni in power, oppress Shia, Shia in power, oppress Sunni – Islam now is fighting as Christianity did in the 1500s, with all the accompanying tortures and burnings at the stake. They are crucifying other Muslims in Iraq. They are gassing Muslim children in Syria. They are stoning Muslim rape victims and lashing them. They are stoning mothers for adultery. They are hanging Iranian gay Muslim men. I know one thing, I know that Allah – that HaShem, that God – is ****ed off with the lot of us.

And here’s the thing. Feel free to ignore all this and write comments saying how awful I am and have no idea. But I will tell you something. The appetite of the ordinary Western voter to lift a finger – even to help in Syria as Muslim children starve – it has totally evaporated. The thought of Israel invading Gaza in some sick act of collective punishment leaves American and British voters cold. Nobody gives a flying **** anymore. The average Westerner is saying to themselves “these are a bunch of savages and who cares if they kill each other.” Iraq will get no help. Afghans will get none. Syrians will get none. We hear no cries of outrage from the Muslim world. We see no moves from Israel to move to a just peace and get out of territory that does not belong to Israel, the settlements. We see no willingness to compromise and nothing more than a bloody merry go round of torture and death by ******* adults who will throw children and families to the wind because they will never, ever back down.

And so we just don’t care.

And by “we” I mean almost all voters. Not me – I care, I care incredibly. I wanted targeted air strikes against Assad. Now instead we have ISIS crucifying Muslims and Syrian kids starving.

The Torah says, “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” – that means, it is mine to take; it is not yours to take. Te Qu’ran begins “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.” Say it and believe it. What is He? What is He? Is Allah the Merciful pleased as you shoot teenage boys in the head for being Jews, or Muslims in a ditch because they follow a different sect to you?

The Middle East is the cradle of civilization. If it carries on like this, it will also be its grave.

And you will all – Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs and Persians – you will all be on your own.​
Some of the media tries to portray this as an even fight but the Israelis have so much military superiority it's unreal. This is why they can batter Palestine into submission. 100 deaths in the recent violence (100 dead Palestinians including roughly a quarter of them children, and 0 Israeli deaths).

The conflict is sad in general, but I feel especially sad for the oppressed Palestinians. :(
The conflict is sad in general, but I feel especially sad for the oppressed Palestinians. :(

If they stopped indiscriminately firing unsophisticated rockets at Israel then I'd be sympathetic to the Palestinians. 689 rockets so far this week was the last figure I saw on the BBC.

But right now, the violence is from both sides. Therefore I can't really feel sorry for one being oppressed by the other, as they're both just as bad as each other.

Actually, if anything I feel a bit more sympathy for Israel. They fire proper clever laser guided missiles at precision targets. Yes civilians are also getting killed, but that's because the Hamas weapons caches/launchpads that Israel are targeting have deliberately been positioned inside schools/houses by Hamas to use the civilians as human shields. Israel are at-least trying to only attack proper military targets, which is more than can be said about the Palestinian rockets.

If the Palestinians were to stop the rocket attacks, and stop using civilians as human shields, then the aggression would be 100% by the Israelis and I consequently would feel a million times more compassionate for the oppressed Palestinians.
I bet you **** in your pants every time you see a muslim on the street.. :rolleyes:

No I don't, but then I'm not female, I've not just been raped, I'm not going out with someone from a different tribe, I don't posses genitals which turn me into a nympho and I'm not a 12 year old schoolgirl who just wants to learn.
So nope, I've nothing to fear from such a group.

Iran wasnt the one who dropped nuclear weapons on Japan..
And what was the Americans alternative in that situation?

If a terrorist like ISrael committing so many atrocities can have them then so can Iran.
Even Iranians (well the sane ones) opposed the idea of Iran having a nuclear weapon.

The day muslims kill fewer muslims than Israel, is the day I'll agree with you.

For a religious people your tribes are probably the least deserving of an afterlife.
Hamas really shouldn't fire rockets into Israel - they know exactly what sort of reaction they'll get and in a heavily populated area even careful targeting will leave to civilian deaths.

Israel on the other hand is almost always going to face this while the Palestinians have no state... Jordan & Egypt don't lob rockets into Israel, they're proper states with control of their own borders. The settlements in the West bank, the Israeli roads dividing up Palestinian territory are blatantly wrong - Israel needs to pull back its settlements and let the Palestinians get on with their own lives.
Israel on the other hand is almost always going to face this while the Palestinians have no state...

There is much confusion in this thread.

Firstly, Palestinians never had a state, there is no state of Palestine, Palestinians never ruled themselves, they were always owned by other countries going back to Roman times.

There is no land to give back.

When Jews first started moving there is the 1880's the place was deserted, maybe 250K of goat herders who had only just arrived themselves.

When the Jews were attacked they took the land off Jordan, not this imaginary Palestinian people. Jordan held onto a small part but later gave that up too.
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Along with the fact, that there are strategic points that Israel has to hold to ensure their own survival.

Reality is that even the threads on OCUK show, that Muslims just do not like Jews. Anyone who thinks that Israel could just throw its hands up, negotiate, and have peace is mad.
Which side are you arguing for? :confused:
This shows a rocket hitting a civlian building, then a secondary explosion as the weaponary stored by Hammas explodes.
Note the footage is shot by a Israeli drone, presumably to prove they are hitting legitimate military targets

Hah, this is such blatant BS :D

This shows a drone firing a small warning rocket into a building, enough to make a bang. Presumably the cameraman knows exactly where the Israelis intend targeting because he is pointing his camera at exactly that spot, so I'm assuming is is some known Hammas building and he's been pre-warned by the Israelis.
Then a full minute goes by and a plane(?) drops a larger bomb, enough to take down one building.

The Facetard page pretends this is some innocent target!
Then moans about how a full minute is not enough to gather documents and children (in that order), lol.

If someone fired a warning rocket at my house, then I'd have my framed picture of Magnolia's opinion and my cat and be in the next village well before that second rocket hit.

Israelis even telephone people in advance to let them know where the next strike is going to be, that's why news crews get to be already set up with their cameras pointing at the target. Doesn't always work out if they are bombing two targets though, not a lot of places to run to.

"Lol", "they phone them before they bomb

What kinda sick SOB are you?
There is much confusion in this thread.

Firstly, Palestinians never had a state, there is no state of Palestine, Palestinians never ruled themselves, they were always owned by other countries going back to Roman times.

There is no land to give back.

When Jews first started moving there is the 1880's the place was deserted, maybe 250K of goat herders who had only just arrived themselves.

When the Jews were attacked they took the land off Jordan, not this imaginary Palestinian people. Jordan held onto a small part but later gave that up too.

There was no organized states in many parts of the world should we just go there throw some people in and declare the state of loonistan?

Goat herders, boy your lost if you think Muslims are stupid villagers.

And before your shout proof there is no such proof for intelligence, an education is just that proof of someone who can learn and absorb well.

You'll be in for a shock.
Along with the fact, that there are strategic points that Israel has to hold to ensure their own survival.

Reality is that even the threads on OCUK show, that Muslims just do not like Jews. Anyone who thinks that Israel could just throw its hands up, negotiate, and have peace is mad.

The continuing settler land grabs, blatant targeting of all and sundry. Israel is capable of some very good precise military /special forces operations if they chose too they could have gone down a different route.
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