Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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6 May 2009
The rockets aren't useless. They're deadly. As many Israeli and Palestinians corpses can show.

Only going off info from on here Hamas started firing although I would call those sticks rather than rockets

Doesnt the iron dome shoot down the majority of rockets over Israel?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Only going off info from on here Hamas started firing although I would call those sticks rather than rockets

Doesnt the iron dome shoot down the majority of rockets over Israel?

In this latest round of events 2/3rds of their rockets have missed any significant target and not been intercepted as not seen as a threat, 1/3rd intercepted with 90% efficiency - around 100 that were seen as a threat got through with varying levels of damage resulting.

Hamas has all kinds of munitions through glorified fireworks to modern short range artillery, domestic production of all levels of sophistication as well as external supplies of military equipment and also have everything from crude "hell cannons" to proper heavy mortar and even some anti-tank guided missile systems. Estimated numbers are well into the 10s of thousands so they'd likely run out of leadership and people willing to stick their neck out to fire them (though current events are probably helping on the recruitment side) long before they run out of rockets.
24 Aug 2015
Only going off info from on here Hamas started firing although I would call those sticks rather than rockets

Doesnt the iron dome shoot down the majority of rockets over Israel?

I would argue that Hamas fired the rockets in response to prevoius events. and the chain goes back and back from there.

regarding the 'sticks' all in comparison, Israel has an army, every person is pretty much involved and on reserve, they have Navi, airforce, nuclear power. so fully-fledged.

1/3 of missiles launched by Hamas, fell inside Gaza, which if you ask me is stupid

I am not defending Hamas Action, I am just putting things in context
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Thanks, very useful and concise.
Maybe an obvious question... Why attack someone with weapons you know will be useless, knowing full well it will spark something big off? I guess that had to do something, maybe not fire 1500 odd useless rockets

What other choice do they have? When you corner something and give it a choice of fight or die, lots of time it'll fight. If Israel is allowed to keep evicting Palestinians from land, eventually they'll have all the land and the Palestinians will be left with nothing, they already have virtually nothing.
5 Feb 2006
Only going off info from on here Hamas started firing although I would call those sticks rather than rockets

Maybe do some research then. I have seen first hand what Iranian paid for rockets and mortars look like and do when I was in Iraq.

Doesn't the iron dome shoot down the majority of rockets over Israel?

Israel being forced into putting up a good defence system to defend itself does not make what Hamas id doing OK...
17 Jul 2007
24 Aug 2015

and so did the Jewish people in Nazi Germany.
Interesting enough Guantanamo bay, US-run concentration camp, and that is not counted in your terrorism numbers

so being most hated does not bode well for your argument.

if you attack someone at their home and killed their family, you cant expect to play the victim when they attack you back in your home.

US have no business starting the wars, in fact, it was not approved by the UN, and to date, it's an illegal war.

So angry people fight back but you are you not willing to accept that aggressors are to blame too, and indeed terrorists in their eyes.

if we do not learn from history, then the same thing will happen over and over again.
17 Jul 2007
and so did the Jewish people in Nazi Germany.
Interesting enough Guantanamo bay, US-run concentration camp, and that is not counted in your terrorism numbers

so being most hated does not bode well for your argument.

if you attack someone at their home and killed their family, you cant expect to play the victim when they attack you back in your home.

US have no business starting the wars, in fact, it was not approved by the UN, and to date, it's an illegal war.

So angry people fight back but you are you not willing to accept that aggressors are to blame too, and indeed terrorists in their eyes.

if we do not learn from history, then the same thing will happen over and over again.

So you would agree that if a muslim attacks someone in the UK.
We have a right to fight back ourselves?
24 Aug 2015
So you would agree that if a muslim attacks someone in the UK.
We have a right to fight back ourselves?

it goes both ways, however, double wrong does not make right.

if an individual attack someone in the UK, the government have the right to talk all actions within the law against them.

however if a whole country attacks another country with no justification, that attacked country have the right to defend itself (within legal means too and proportional response)
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