Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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it goes both ways, however, double wrong does not make right.

if an individual attack someone in the UK, the government have the right to talk all actions within the law against them.

however if a whole country attacks another country with no justification, that attacked country have the right to defend itself (within legal means too and proportional response)

I see what you mean.
You never know, the Ottoman Turks could want all the land back :)

Glad I don't believe in a pixi god.
It's not a terrorist group. It seems to be the club most terrorists are members of.

The religion as an organisation turns a bliind eye to it most of the time.
So you would agree that if a muslim attacks someone in the UK.
We have a right to fight back ourselves?

No. You have the right to fight back against the individual or organisation. What you couldn't do is fly to Indonesia say and shoot some random bloke called Muhammed.
if you attack someone at their home and killed their family, you cant expect to play the victim when they attack you back in your home.

US have no business starting the wars, in fact, it was not approved by the UN, and to date, it's an illegal war.

So angry people fight back but you are you not willing to accept that aggressors are to blame too, and indeed terrorists in their eyes.

if we do not learn from history, then the same thing will happen over and over again.

Except that point is null and void when you consider that what makes these people angry enough to kill is satirical cartoons.

And il ask again because people like you dodge it all the time, why are there terrorist attacks in countries like, India, The phillipines, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria....
Except that point is null and void when you consider that what makes these people angry enough to kill is satirical cartoons.

not really, if someone goes and swears at your wife and children, and you punch them, then they have it coming.
the killing of course is wrong as it's not a proportional response.

but don't pretend that upsetting people and not expecting to get a response (proportional or not) is not expected.
not really, if someone goes and swears at your wife and children, and you punch them, then they have it coming.
the killing of course is wrong as it's not a proportional response.

but don't pretend that upsetting people and not expecting to get a response (proportional or not) is not expected.

I have seen many a cartoon of Christianity but, i dont see millions of Christians going around ranting and raving or wanting to cut someones head off!
I have seen many a cartoon of Christianity but, i dont see millions of Christians going around ranting and raving or wanting to cut someones head off!

really, do you expect to say anti-semtic or nazi remarks and not expect any comeback?
be real, if you offend and expect no response then you are living in lala land
really, do you expect to say anti-semtic or nazi remarks and not expect any comeback?
be real, if you offend and expect no response then you are living in lala land

The muslim extremists who want to cut off someones head for drawing a cartoon of the mr moohamed are living in lala land my friend.

Can we get back on topic now please?
not really, if someone goes and swears at your wife and children, and you punch them, then they have it coming.
the killing of course is wrong as it's not a proportional response.

but don't pretend that upsetting people and not expecting to get a response (proportional or not) is not expected.

hmmmm nope, I don't know any people that would assault someone for hurt feelings.

But thanks for confirming what you stand for and who you really are, I knew I get it out of you eventually, a little fascist. Your religion is a cancer on humanity.
hmmmm nope, I don't know any people that would assault someone for hurt feelings.

But thanks for confirming what you stand for and who you really are, I knew I get it out of you eventually, a little fascist. Your religon is a cancer on humanity.

thank you for showing your true colors, being islamophobe

if anything people like yourself are cancer.

I never said that I would do that
I was putting an argument forward that you cant expect the same response from everyone.

please do not embarrass yourself further, as you seem dead center on hatred
I would advice you to leave him be, its very clear he is a bigot.

'Bigot' and 'Racist'

2 words that get thrown about a lot these days!

A friend of mine was working behind the counter in a shop and a 'muslim' customer he knew was on his phone chatting away while the que was building up behind him. My friend asked him politely to come off the phone so that he could serve him as the guy was just standing there ignoring the fact that others were waiting to be served. The guy turned around and accused my mate of being racist! Sad. Very sad. Its amazing how quick people are to use these words.
not really, if someone goes and swears at your wife and children, and you punch them, then they have it coming.
the killing of course is wrong as it's not a proportional response.

but don't pretend that upsetting people and not expecting to get a response (proportional or not) is not expected.

That's a silly analogy though, you talk about swearing at someone's wife and children - that's an aggressive/hostile act... however no one is forced to read or buy Charlie Hebdo, you have to be actively offended by it, the people kicking off about it aren't readers who've been offended by it but people who've heard about what was printed then chosen to take extreme offense at it!

Do you not see the obvious flaw in the analogy you've used?
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