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Issue with Zotac 3080 amp holo.

20 Oct 2021
Hey all,

i placed an order for the zotac gaming 3080 amp holo and was excited to receive it the other day.

card work great for 1 day before it started having some issues. firstly the image on my duel monitors started flickering and breaking up before both monitors (1dp 1hdmi) cut to black and stayed. This usually happens it appears after about 20 minutes of any kind of use but a little quicker perhaps when running a game or putting any load on the card.

i also notice since installing it odd things happening with rgb coming from the rgb header on the mobo. would start blinking, change colour etc for no reason.

the video below shows it crashing when attempting to load into a game of Apex

my set up is as follows.

Gigabyte z390m gaming MoBo
i9-9900k cpu cooled well by a kraken aio cooler
32gb corsair ram (i belive its 3400mhz)
corsair tx850m PSU

if theres anything else anyone would like to know about it to help suggest a possible fix ill do my best to get back to you as fast as i can.

i should also say ive run ddu, installed fesh drivers, checked all connections, updated mobo bios etc also.
it does yes. and no matter what dp i use from the back of the card. my display port cable has been changed also to determin it wasnt that at fault

i will also add that when i first installed it i ran benchmark as i usually do with a new gpu. i noticed it says my card is readin 12gb vram altho it has 10 and and is named engineers sample.
apparently im dumb and cant upload a pic of the benchmark results for the card


this link to pic of benchmark findings

it does yes. and no matter what dp i use from the back of the card. my display port cable has been changed also to determin it wasnt that at fault
Are you using a single pcie cable with 2 x 8 pin connecters to the gpu ?

If yes try 2 seperate cables from the psu using one 8 pin each.
Those GPU temps look fine.
yeah and more indepth theres no crazy issues going on with power draw or anything i can tell before crashing unless its a split second thing and i cant see it happening due to screen flickering on and off.

i asked a friend what he thought and he suggested it might be poorly soldered or have bad pathways or something like that. Im not super experianced pc guy but got a good 4/5 years and 3/4 systems under my belt at this point. ive had driver issues and such with my old 2070 super but nothing like shown in original video so was a little worried and thought id check in before possibly asking for a refund or replacement
i cant im afraid i only have this system. i can say tho ive stressed tested the PSU with the 2070 im using and have had no issues at all since installing that back into the system.
no, so the psu i have has two pcie slots at the back into these i have two cables both have 2x 8pin connectors so im using 1 8pin from each cable.

So it's a direct connection with two 8 pin cables then i can't see it being a power issue as corsair PSU are decent and 850w is more than enough.

Is there a local computer shop you could ask to test it ? other than that i would ask for a replacement.
So it's a direct connection with two 8 pin cables then i can't see it being a power issue as corsair PSU are decent and 850w is more than enough.

Is there a local computer shop you could ask to test it ? other than that i would ask for a replacement.
non that wouldnt charge me for testing it.

i believe my psu to be ok (obviously cant be 100%) but it is pretty much brand new and fitted at the same time as the 3080. obviously the 3080 draws more power then the 2070 super im using in the system at the min but the psu is still in the system and has had zero issues after a few hours gaming, a few hours editing and rendering vids etc. again im not exactly knowledgeable about psus so much but id expect if it was at fault it would show issues when running the system without the 3080 as well as with?
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