First details emerged today of a new daytime TV talk show entitled Toto in which an avuncular Austrian host presides over domestic disputes in the manner of a Terminator-voiced Jerry Springer.
Toto aims to cover a wide range of inter-personal problems with hard-hitting headlines such as ‘My partner doesn’t obey team orders’, ‘We used to be friends but a world championship got in the way’ and ‘What part of “move over” doesn’t he understand?’
Host Toto Wolff will attempt to adjudicate and calm the often-heated debate with help from his regular sidekick, No ******** Niki, who will intervene if matters get too highly charged by stomping onto the set in a red cap and an anorak and repeatedly swearing at the participants, even though the programme transmits at 3pm and he promised not to.
Those who have seen early episodes of Toto say the eponymous host is a great choice of presenter with his pleasant but commanding manner and his distinctive catchphrase, ‘It’s time for a commercial break but don’t worry… I’ll be back’.
Toto starts this week with an episode entitled, ‘I think my partner misses his chicane’.