Its Coming - Ahsoka


So what was the point of Baylan's search?

To be continued...

I hope this doesn't wind up like Marvel though, with plot threads left hanging for years.

I wonder if Ahsoka will return to the main galaxy, or if this is meant to be the beginning of a fresh start?
To be continued...

I hope this doesn't wind up like Marvel though, with plot threads left hanging for years.

I wonder if Ahsoka will return to the main galaxy, or if this is meant to be the beginning of a fresh start?
Disney is downsizing, the viewership for this isnt great, at best you might get a bone tossed to the audience in the form of a really short series or maybe some sort of tv movie type thing or an animated series.
Overall an enjoyable series. Not the best start and I'm really struggling with Thrawn's so called brilliance in strategy.

Andor still by far the best for me.
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Disney is downsizing, the viewership for this isnt great, at best you might get a bone tossed to the audience in the form of a really short series or maybe some sort of tv movie type thing or an animated series.

I was referring to the character, not the show.

Ahsoka Tano's story isn't over, even if the series isn't renewed. There are other shows. Other mediums.

The question concerns the character's future. Is she returning to the main galaxy? Or staying in this new one? Is intergalactic travel, either by space whale, hyperspace ring, or the WBW about to become a thing? Intergalactic travel certainly fixes one problem; what happens to all of these characters to ensures none are around by the "sequel" timeline? Up until now, the reasonable assumption was that they are all dead. And maybe some are. But maybe some are simply in another galaxy?
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I was referring to the character, not the show.

Ahsoka Tano's story isn't over, even if the series isn't renewed. There are other shows. Other mediums.

The question concerns the character's future. Is she returning to the main galaxy? Or staying in this new one? Is intergalactic travel, either by space whale, hyperspace ring, or the WBW about to become a thing? Intergalactic travel certainly fixes one problem; what happens to all of these characters to ensures none are around by the "sequel" timeline? Up until now, the reasonable assumption was that they are all dead. And maybe some are. But maybe some are simply in another galaxy?
Fair enough although given you said "I hope this doesn't wind up like Marvel though, with plot threads left hanging for years" it does seem as if the 'complaint' its more than Aksoka
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Fair enough although given you said "I hope this doesn't wind up like Marvel though, with plot threads left hanging for years" it does seem as if the 'complaint' its more than Aksoka

Marvel, particularly in Phase 4, introduced loads of characters and stories. Some are returning quickly (e.g. Ms Marvel), others have no confirmed future (e.g. Shang Chi) and others have likely been abandoned (e.g. Starfox).

I'm hoping the same doesn't happen here, with Ahsoka etc. and Peridia just forgotten about for years, or just completely abandoned.

Even if the show hasn't done enough to be renewed, I'd like to know what happens next.
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It was vaguely enjoyable and beautifully made but I repeat my complaint that not a lot happened. We had 8 x 30+minute episodes that were all mostly leading on a linear path. Very little setting scene, build up and then pay off. I know lots of people seemed to dislike Andor, which I don't understand, but we had 3 decent story arcs at least that all paid off in different ways. The Heist, the Jailbreak, the Uprising plus the sub plots with the antiques dealer and Imperial Intelligence. Ahsoka leaves far more questions than it answers.
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So I can only assume
is all the dead stormtroopers they lost in the years they were on the planet and they've been brought to Dathomir for the Night Mothers to reanimate as they did the dead stormtroopers, giving them an instant, what looked like 1,000 strong army of super tought, imprevious to pain Stormtroopers, loyal to Thrawn.
Great finale, nicely sets the scene for next season. Don't listen to the numbers bods, there will definitely be another season of this. I am definitley gonna spend the time before the next season of Mando and Ahsoka watching Rebels and maybe Clone Wars.

Although I was surprised Ray Stevenson's character was left clearly alive and with an unfinished story. They will surely have to recast him now and we will inevitably be unhappy with the replacement!

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The force powers kicking in at the right time were a massive convenience.
Literally every single Star Wars live action series/film has this! It's almost tradition to see someone who is still learning the force have a moment where they try to pull the light-sabre towards themselves and we see a few scenes of it moving precariously, knowing eventually it will fly to their hands!

The speed with which Ezra built a light saber seemed a bit far fetched. Off course now someone is gonna refer me to. Rebels episode that explains this!

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Literally every single Star Wars live action series/film has this! It's almost tradition to see someone who is still learning the force have a moment where they try to pull the light-sabre towards themselves and we see a few scenes of it moving precariously, knowing eventually it will fly to their hands!


Which is a bit of a boring trait when its been done so much, she's more a Mandalorian than anything, should have played to those strengths vs 'ooh suddenly I can move stuff just in the nick of time'.
Best looking yet.
Most average story overall yet.
Some of the best new characters yet
Most annoying cliff hangery ending yet.
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Best looking yet.
Most average story overall yet.
Some of the best new characters yet
Most annoying cliff hangery ending yet.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

It's like we just got the prologue. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for Chapter 1.
Loved it, this should have been the start of the sequel trilogy. So so much better. One of the best hour of Star Wars in ages.

The darkness of this episode looked great on an OLED display too.

The force powers kicking in at the right time were a massive convenience.

As in almost every Star Wars story. The will of the force and all that.
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Disney is downsizing, the viewership for this isnt great, at best you might get a bone tossed to the audience in the form of a really short series or maybe some sort of tv movie type thing or an animated series.

Viewership will pick up as word spreads. Other than clickbate YouTube videos, social media has been really positive.
Great finale, nicely sets the scene for next season. Don't listen to the numbers bods, there will definitely be another season of this. I am definitley gonna spend the time before the next season of Mando and Ahsoka watching Rebels and maybe Clone Wars.

Although I was surprised Ray Stevenson's character was left clearly alive and with an unfinished story. They will surely have to recast him now and we will inevitably be unhappy with the replacement!

Yeah, it will be a shame if that just gets left where it was but I don’t really want a different actor as Stevenson nailed it.
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