Its Coming - Ahsoka

with the way Ashoka ended they can continue some of story line in Mandalorian season 4 as talk so far is that season 4 is going to replace what rangers of the new republic was going to do. as for the story in the new galaxy that also left open for season 2 if greenlight, but my guess, if it is greenlight they have to recast Ray Stevenson character as it was leading up to him playing a bigger part in season 2. either way from what i read there be no new Mandalorian until late 2024 at the very earliest, more like sometime in 2025, if ashoka is given season 2 that be late 2025 to 2026. there are rumors suggesting it might get a season 2 due how well it done, but again it was always bill as a limited series (one season) but never say never.
Is that it then?

A tail of cardboard Jedi's, bratty apprentices, who constantly fail to follow orders or indeed win fights. Objective missed and stranded a million light-years from home. Woo Hoo. The Incompetents Strike Back?
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Last episode felt a bit disjointed and didn't flow very well like when Thrawn said about launching a full on ground assault against the gang and then the next second they are underneath the Star Destroyer getting fired at and then they're in a room with the Zombie's (who I though were ridiculous). The fight choreography in that bit was pretty lame too!
The zombies only got a pass from me because I played Jedi: Fallen Order and a Dathomir witch raised the dead in that too.

Most LOL moment for me was when Ahsoka made it to the top and caried on fighting with Morgan Elspeth. The Storm trooper zombies who had been attacking her, suddenly stood around to watch for no reason.
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I thought the point of this was just to....
get Ahsoka and Sabine out of the galaxy so they don't have to show up on future stuff...but why bring Ezra back? Bad swap. Ah whatever
Ultimately I'm disappointed after the event but it was a ok ride.

I still think the animated stuff is better and Andor surprised me in the best way possible.
Last episode felt a bit disjointed and didn't flow very well like when Thrawn said about launching a full on ground assault against the gang and then the next second they are underneath the Star Destroyer getting fired at and then they're in a room with the Zombie's (who I though were ridiculous). The fight choreography in that bit was pretty lame too!
Pretty sure he told them to prepare for a ground assault, as in by Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra which is when they did attack on the ground as the ship was damaged. They were not fired upon until they were aware that they were leaving and Morgan was killed.

Regarding the zombies, its lore that the Nightsisters of Dathomir can do that, its in The Clone Wars, Fallen Order game and Books. The red bands/fabric on the stormtroopers armour was to bind the spell that if they died they come back. If you also noticed when the 2 death troppers were fighting with Sabine and Ezra one got their helmet smashed and they were zombie.

Basically, Thrawn is using the Nightsisters to create an unstoppable army that can resurrect the dead enemy as additions to their ranks. Think of the same thing as the white walkers from Game Of Thrones.
Strange thing, really. The Star Wars world. It's just never gone away. I wonder why that is? People never seem to get tired of it. Was it all down to the success of the first movie - the way it took the world by storm?
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Strange thing, really. The Star Wars world. It's just never gone away. I wonder why that is? People never seem to get tired of it. Was it all down to the success of the first movie - the way it took the world by storm?
Nostalgia and age. Let's face it too, it's a fascinating story and lore and history, well built over the past 50 years with massive potential.
Strange thing, really. The Star Wars world. It's just never gone away. I wonder why that is? People never seem to get tired of it. Was it all down to the success of the first movie - the way it took the world by storm?
im pretty sure people are getting tired of it now
Strange thing, really. The Star Wars world. It's just never gone away. I wonder why that is? People never seem to get tired of it. Was it all down to the success of the first movie - the way it took the world by storm?
Space ships, lasers, guns, swords, good vs evil, what's not to love. There was pretty much nothing like it at the time so it hooked millions of kids in - the toys helped massively aswell. If 7-9 dropped and there wasn't the history behind them no one would care about the franchise imo.
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Pretty sure he told them to prepare for a ground assault, as in by Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra which is when they did attack on the ground as the ship was damaged. They were not fired upon until they were aware that they were leaving and Morgan was killed.

No, it was before that when Ashoka and crew were approaching the temple. Thrawn said "prepare for ground assault" then ordered them to fire at the ground, remember Ashoka et al were dodging the fire approaching the temple then used their Force powers to open the door. The temple was later obliterated near the end when Morgan was killed.

Why is it the night sisters couldn't resurrect Morgan?
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Why the heck did Sabine get force powers? Then instantly was able to force push Ezra?
Thrawn suddenly seemed incompetent.
All the shooting from the sky and storm troopers shooting from behind but every shot missing ahsoka and Sabine. Then they jump off only conveniently to have their ship there
Morgan gets a powerup, handles ahsoka then she gets killed. She should have a good storyline going forward.
It’s literary been a meme since the first film that storm troopers can’t shoot for toffee.

Loads of the things people are complaining about have literally been built into the lore since the original films including ‘the will of the force’ (E.g. characters suddenly getting more powerful).

Also the Thrawn being incompetent thing? Surely not committing a load of resources on a side show and focusing on the real objective is competence and he also completed it.
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It’s literary been a meme since the first film that storm troopers can’t shoot for toffee.
But everyone forgets that Tarkin and Vader deliberately allowed them to escape in the first film. The second film shows the storm troopers kicking the crap out of the rebels at Hoth Base.

The best thing about Andor is that the Galatic Empire is an actual credible threat and the thing that undermines some of the other shows, especially Obi-Wan, is that the Empire is a joke.
Rebels with a few fixed gun emplacements, snow speeders and a few guys with rifles vs several battalions of imperial troops with shielded heavy weapons. Yes, you’d expect them to win.

Jedi and mandalorian wanna be Jedi VS a few squads of storm troupers with degraded equipment, yeh I know where I’d put my money.
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