Its Coming - Ahsoka

I thought this was a big load of 'meh'. I just didn't think it was well written at all. It was a bit weird that characters just disappeared from the narrative as though they'd forgotten about them (like the old beardy Jedi bloke and his blonde apprentice). They'd also built up finding Ezra so much (btw I still don't know who he is and why that was so important! Would a minute of exposition really hurt?), and when they found him they did sod all with him apart from taking out a couple of troops. I enjoyed some of the action scenes but overall it just reminded me why I tend not to watch this nonsense. It's one of those shows that 11 seconds after you've finished it, you'll forget every single thing that happened.
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They'd also built up finding Ezra so much (btw I still don't know who he is and why that was so important! Would a minute of exposition really hurt?), and when they found him they did sod all with him apart from taking out a couple of troops.
I haven't mentioned it earlier but as Rebels fan I was disappointed by Ezra in this show. He was fairly bad ass in Rebels. They could easily have shown a little more competence and ability without overshadowing Ahsoka or Sabine by simply increasing the danger the Imperials posed. Also Thrawn has been planning his return for some time, there is a plan including all those pods. Ezra is a not quite Jedi. He could have been spying on Thrawn for much of the last decade. Know about details of the plan or preparations. Something that adds plot related urgency to their actions.

I did enjoy the show but not enough happened, your average Rebels episode (an explicitly kids programme) gave you more in plot and development than Ahsoka. I know I'm being a hypocrite in some respects because that kind of leanness appealed to me in the earlier Western inspired episodes of the Mandolorian but less so in this.
As someone who hasn't seen Clone Wars or Rebels, I was bored watching this. I was excited to see Ahsoka's appearances in Mando but I couldn't get into this. I did like Baylan however, and wish he and his apprentice was more of a focus instead of Sabine.
Youtube's been suggesting me a few Andor clips for some reason and my god it reminds me how good that show was.

Maybe more how good the actors that play Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly) and Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgård) are and just how well the tone of that show hits and is consistent.....

Looking back at the show a week or 2 after the end, it had a few memorable scenes, a few good characters and 75% slow filler. I couldn't imagine watching it without seeing Rebels as ive said before, the main goody characters are so wooden and on rails. It feels like a load of computer game cutscenes.
I dunno It was fine but dragged out.
I'm still watching Rebels, currently on season 3, after which I'll make a start on Ahsoka. Reading some of the comments above, glad I've decided to watch Rebels ad Clone Wars (and Tales of the Jedi)
I haven't mentioned it earlier but as Rebels fan I was disappointed by Ezra in this show. He was fairly bad ass in Rebels. They could easily have shown a little more competence and ability without overshadowing Ahsoka or Sabine by simply increasing the danger the Imperials posed. Also Thrawn has been planning his return for some time, there is a plan including all those pods. Ezra is a not quite Jedi. He could have been spying on Thrawn for much of the last decade. Know about details of the plan or preparations. Something that adds plot related urgency to their actions.
Yea I think he was overshadowed by Sabine.

When I saw Ezra, I thought he'd go ham with the force, training 10 years but no.

But having said that, the real life resemblance is uncanny.
Finished re-watching Rebels again after this put me in the mood. I had forgotten most of it, would recommend it to anyone who fancies some good star wars. I can't imagine appreciating Ahsoka half as much without watching it as you really need that back story.
Also unless i missed it (again) there was no hint in it of Sabine having force powers, just good skill with the dark sabre. Did the force powers just appear for this show because reasons?
Also unless i missed it (again) there was no hint in it of Sabine having force powers, just good skill with the dark sabre. Did the force powers just appear for this show because reasons?
There's 10 years between the end of Rebels and Ahsoka.

Luke went from seemingly having no force powers, to becoming a Jedi in just 4 years during the original trilogy.
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It bombed so hard that they are rumoured to have greenlit season 2.

You're talking rubbish.

The numbers bods have already performed a thorough analysis including, but not limited to, analysing production costs, reshoots, more reshoots, marketting costs as well as watching copious amounts of YouTube videos.

The general consensus is:
Disney is downsizing, the viewership for this isnt great, at best you might get a bone tossed to the audience in the form of a really short series or maybe some sort of tv movie type thing or an animated series.

Some random twitter account that has been around for 2 years has got the usuals frothing quite a bit eh, might want to wait until its actually officially confirmed before changing the diapers lads.
Well that's another thing that makes no sense, since Jedi's aren't allowed to have relationships/kids and yet midi-chlorians are in the blood and the force is strong in certain families.

Wasn't Anakin an immaculate conception? Not that that turned out well.

I hope the orange trousers continue into season 2. :D
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Solid enough finale, didn't expect it to be quite such a set up for more but that's fine if more is coming. Sad they'll have to recast Baylan but such things happen. It felt like the series needed a few more episodes really, was weird how Baylan and Shin were barely in the final episode.

A few more episodes? how could they have padded it out any longer?

I'm pretty sure it was filmed at 0.75 speed as it is.
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