OcUK has a very successful
SETI@Home team. The project's leaders decided to pull the plug on SETI Classic, the original project. OcUK was in 2nd place, right behind SETI.Germany. We DC types set forth to overtake them in the closing month of the project and went on a recruitment/spamming campaign to great success.
The project ended with a wimper; server troubles for people trying to upload work they've completed. Many were upset and disheartened, including myself. However, the project leaders did some housekeeping on the project results. They cleaned out bogus work, work turned in by cheaters. There must've been quite a few cheaters at SETI.Germany becasue the work they lost was enough to put OcUK ahead for the win.
In 6 years of work Overclockers UK has defeated all other teams. This is a huge accomplishment. We worked for over 129 MILLION hours of CPU time. It boggles the mind.
Congratulations OcUK, you've earned it.