It's too hot :(

Sat next to a lake with a mate and a few beers today, was lovely.................except I have really bad sunburn now, damn sun! :(((((((
It's way too hot for me, but the first few mini-toms were forming in the greenhouse and it's definitely not too hot for them, so I've planted a few out in the back garden. They will enjoy this week, but probably not the frost which is bound to come next week now I've freed up some space in the greenhouse.

Tomorrow the blackout curtain's going up outside the living room window again for sure. Makes a huge difference to the indoor temp.
down to 24c but the big doors help a lot ,blackout slats on blinds are also awesome

Got aircon installed last week and am simply loving it :p Was 30 degrees on the top floor of our new build earlier until we turned it on and barely half an hour later it was down to 20 through the whole house
Agreeeeed. It's not even hot and it's only for a few days then back to 19/20c ish.
Some of us have more Viking genes than Mediterranean. Put me in a longship to Greenland with ice on the oars and sleet against my back and... well, I'll be dead before we get past the end of Blackpool pier. But I'd be dead a lot quicker hiking across Spain. I also seriously wonder whether growing up before central heating was common trained many of us to be a bit more resilient in the cold and a bit less tolerant of heat.

Mind you, I mainly remember being cold all the time, and we did have the summer of '76 with the original "Phew What a Scorcher!" So maybe that made up for scraping the ice off the inside of the windows in winter. The ice also made it hard to play our teeny tiny violins, especially as there wasn't much room in the cardboard box in the middle of the road.

Does anyone find it harder to breathe in this weather?
I guess warm air is less dense, so we get less oxygen per breath than in cooler weather. But it's probably more about the claggy humidity making it feel like breathing soup. Give me a cold, crisp day any time... feels like you're really alive them.

the big doors help a lot
I'm not often envious of a double door, but that looks like a nice landscape extension to your living room.
29 degrees here now and humid.... Think it was -29 6 months ago :P
Its days like this that im glad i work in a chilled room most of time over summer.
The building I work in is always at 21c. Not nice when I am sitting in the office with a swirl diffuser above my head, end up wearing a fleece!
My mum got me a duvet cover with "cooling" technology (passive - not electric, etc.) as a birthday present - kind of expensive but surprisingly it works - my room is kind of stuffy but I'm practically going into hypothermia under the covers. Downside it kind of shrink wraps you to the bed after awhile (using it without the duvet).
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