25C in our shaded, west facing living room at 10:45am. Once the sun swings round this is going to be 'fun', especially as weather extremes and my mother's dementia do not mix well at all. The poor old (15) border collie's not happy either. She hates being wet, but she's getting rubbed with a damp towel regularly. Mmm... smelly dog! Better than sick dog though.
Yesterday even the blackout curtain on the outside of the window all afternoon didn't protect us for long, and the fan laughed at me when I asked it to do more than waft warm soup around the living room all evening. And I need to get a final coat of paint on the garage door quickly. I was sweating cobs doing it at 9pm last night.
But I think I'm happier today than I will be tomorrow. I love a good storm, but an extra dose of humidity on top of this and it won't matter that the swimming pools aren't open; we'll be able to swim round the house. On the bright side, my tomatoes are growing by the minute... possibly a bit too fast. And even though I planted some sweet pepper seeds a bit late (genus Tescoii Onlineshopiensis) they're really taking off now.
Never thought I'd turn into a gardener, but old(er) age creeps up on you, your perspectives shift, and it's the best thing I ever did for my mental health... which needs a little gentle massaging when the weather gets oppressively hot (for soft northerners raised on a diet of sleet and rain).
PS. This is page 404 of the thread on my settings. I'm declaring HOTT 404: cool not found