It's too hot :(

I have 80% wall to wall floor to ceiling windows on one wall, and 50% on the other wall, I feel like a baked potato that's just come out of the microwave haha. High rise apartments have a downside.
I've picked the worst day possible to get a load of garden stuff delivered. Since getting a lot more feathered visitors with my feeders, I decided to plant some lavender along the borders to attract more bees and insects. Embracing my inner eco-warrior. :)
25C in our shaded, west facing living room at 10:45am. Once the sun swings round this is going to be 'fun', especially as weather extremes and my mother's dementia do not mix well at all. The poor old (15) border collie's not happy either. She hates being wet, but she's getting rubbed with a damp towel regularly. Mmm... smelly dog! Better than sick dog though.

Yesterday even the blackout curtain on the outside of the window all afternoon didn't protect us for long, and the fan laughed at me when I asked it to do more than waft warm soup around the living room all evening. And I need to get a final coat of paint on the garage door quickly. I was sweating cobs doing it at 9pm last night.

But I think I'm happier today than I will be tomorrow. I love a good storm, but an extra dose of humidity on top of this and it won't matter that the swimming pools aren't open; we'll be able to swim round the house. On the bright side, my tomatoes are growing by the minute... possibly a bit too fast. And even though I planted some sweet pepper seeds a bit late (genus Tescoii Onlineshopiensis) they're really taking off now.

Never thought I'd turn into a gardener, but old(er) age creeps up on you, your perspectives shift, and it's the best thing I ever did for my mental health... which needs a little gentle massaging when the weather gets oppressively hot (for soft northerners raised on a diet of sleet and rain).

PS. This is page 404 of the thread on my settings. I'm declaring HOTT 404: cool not found
How do you all cope when it peaks to 35-38C with no aircon like most of Europe in summer?

It got to 37c last year here in London, no AC and much higher population density than most of Europe. I went for a ride in the park. Best way to deal with that heat is to try to get used to it even if you're not accustomed to it by facing it head on.
How do you all cope when it peaks to 35-38C with no aircon like most of Europe in summer?

I grew up in Cyprus where it can peak up to 50C. Up to the age of 10 we did not have air conditioning, however houses there are built to be cool and dispel heat easily.

We also used to sleep outside or on the upstairs landing. Nowadays, we use aircon, although my parents still haven’t got one in their room, and just use a fan.

Houses in the UK retain more heat, so it is extremely hard to cool the house down, especially considering that in Cyprus temperatures peak at around 3pm, whereas in the UK that seems to be later and they also drop slower after that. In Cyprus, after 6pm the temperature outside would be lower that inside so could start airing the house till 10pm before heading to bed. In the UK, that same equilibrium is reached (in my experience) at around 8pm which gives less time to air and cool the house down.

All these combined make it harder, even for me, to have a good night’s sleep.

During the day I don’t mind as much.
The excess people, buildings and vehicles make especially UK cities retain a lot of heat late at night.

Sleepy little towns in Europe with low population are easier places to deal with the heat in general, 35c in a quiet French village arguably a lot easier to deal with than 35c in overpopulated London.
I grew up in Cyprus where it can peak up to 50C. Up to the age of 10 we did not have air conditioning, however houses there are built to be cool and dispel heat easily.

My brother used to have a place in rural Portugal, it was built with 2 foot thick walls and set into a mountain. It would easily be 12-15c cooler inside than out with no aircon.
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