It's too hot :(

Specials are expensive, claim the money back. While 1pm is relaxed, next day is still a guarantee. Your postie is lightly been dragged on some other round that hasn't had days of mail delivered too.

Postie here, thankfully i survived today. I even resulted to standing in a stream and using said stream to wet my head. Among people's paddling pools and any taps etc i was offered i found on the way round.
0.7L is a good size. I bought a Thermos one recently as has a huge cap you don't need to touch, and the spout is fully enclosed for hygiene. I bought it cause of the CV issues we have. But that Camelback is lightly better :p

I use sports tabs you throw in to replace salts also. They definitely help.
How do you all cope when it peaks to 35-38C with no aircon like most of Europe in summer?
I genuinely think I'd wish I were dead. I'm not kidding. I can't cope with it.

The funny part is, I'm half Aussie, and I'm a Summer baby. :p
I seem to remember seeing adverts for Asda last year for something very similar. Reviews for it said don't bother, so I didn't. Can't see the Black & Decker one being much better as it's around the same price point, but happy to be proven wrong. Reviews say it's loud :)
Thanks. I just ask people on the way round for refills. I don't normally result to sticking my head in paddling pools xD

In heatwaves in the past I could easily get through 6 litres a day I had bottles of squash lined up 3 went in the freezer overnight and 3 in the fridge, the ones from the fridge stayed cool all morning the ones from the freezer had thawed out by the afternoon and stayed cool the rest of the day.

make the most of it if it's your thing, looks to be nowt but rain and storms from tomorrow.

Theres a laugh. If it actually rains here I'll eat my hat.
I seem to remember seeing adverts for Asda last year for something very similar. Reviews for it said don't bother, so I didn't. Can't see the Black & Decker one being much better as it's around the same price point, but happy to be proven wrong. Reviews say it's loud :)

i got some Arctic Fans 120mm PC ones im sure i could use to quieten it down somewhat lol
Havent seen/heard my postman in 3 days wonder if he's off because of the weather, must be a hell of a job walking 10+miles in this heat with a bag that can weigh up to 16kg

I was expecting a special delivery packet that should have been delivered yesterday but it only arrived today, I was watching out the window for him doing his rounds and noticed a postvan collecting letters from the postbox on the street.
he then came over with my packet which seems unusual since it weighs only 30grams or so and my postman would normally carry them on his rounds.

even had a postie bring a big box with a remote control helicopter kit I ordered from china many years ago, it must have weighed like 4kg+ and was in a box like 20inches long lol

P.S can I sue my postman ? :D (guess I could make a claim from royal mail because it was guaranteed next day but came 2 days after it being in their hands. but seems kinda lame in such circumstances so I won't)
Our po said they're not guaranteeing delivery times on SD at the moment. If its any consolation I've been waiting for almost 2 weeks for a 1st class package.

If it wasn't so hot I'd be more annoyed.
well my ice in front of fan dosen't seem to be doing anything

just ordered one of these :

at least i get free returns

I use a similar one to that, haven't used it this year but might get it out tonight. On the low fan setting mine isn't noisy and you do get a legit sense of air conditioning from it if you use cold enough water, albeit a small localised blast of cool air, but that on a bedside table with a fan going as well it's definitely better than nothing.
Our po said they're not guaranteeing delivery times on SD at the moment. If its any consolation I've been waiting for almost 2 weeks for a 1st class package.

If it wasn't so hot I'd be more annoyed.
yea I saw that on the RM website
Changes to Special Delivery Guaranteed

Due to increased absence levels, we’ve reviewed our timed guarantees for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9am and 1pm services and will make the following changes:
  • For items posted from Tuesday 31 March 2020 onwards, our guaranteed delivery for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9.00am the next working day will change to by 12.00pm the next working day*.
  • Our guaranteed delivery for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1.00pm will change to by 9.00pm the next working day*.
mine was by 1pm so should have been with me by 9pm but came a day later instead.

anyway not really that bothered just thought it was weird I haven't seen/heard the postman in 3+days
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