Havent seen/heard my postman in 3 days wonder if he's off because of the weather, must be a hell of a job walking 10+miles in this heat with a bag that can weigh up to 16kg
I was expecting a special delivery packet that should have been delivered yesterday but it only arrived today, I was watching out the window for him doing his rounds and noticed a postvan collecting letters from the postbox on the street.
he then came over with my packet which seems unusual since it weighs only 30grams or so and my postman would normally carry them on his rounds.
even had a postie bring a big box with a remote control helicopter kit I ordered from china many years ago, it must have weighed like 4kg+ and was in a box like 20inches long lol
P.S can I sue my postman ?

(guess I could make a claim from royal mail because it was guaranteed next day but came 2 days after it being in their hands. but seems kinda lame in such circumstances so I won't)