It's too hot :(

Aren't Dyson fans quite expensive? For the same money could you not have bought an AC unit? Genuine question as it does confuse me why people buy expensive fans? (Of course, maybe they aren't that expensive... but I'm sure I see people spending £300 on just a fan!)

True, but the cost to run one of those is substantially more though and for the few days a year you actually need one, it seems a bit silly

Dyson fans were mainly for my allergies, which they work brilliantly for
Dyson fans were mainly for my allergies, which they work brilliantly for

Ahh, fair enough.

Are they that expensive to run? I don't notice any difference in my eleccy bills and I have two of them... If it's about £10 a month, I'll gladly pay that to know I'll sleep fine each night. Also, if it is only 20-30 days a year, then the expense is even less :)
It has warmed up here but there is just enough of a breeze it doesn't feel as hot yet as it looked like - getting a little close feeling inside though.
Deadlifts in my log cabin gym around 11am, was a sweaty session at 29c.

The portable A/C unit shall be getting some use over the next few days for sure.

Had a full leg session in mine. Similar temperature. Was not pleasant!
I was sat on the edge of the bed at 4:30 this morning, just staring at my fan like a zombie.

Can anyone recommend a small water cooler for the desk and bedroom?
Well that wasn't pleasant. Cloudy today on and off still managed to reach 33c tomorrow is supposed to be hotter I'll be surprised if it doesn't reach 35c. Still 30+ now but its cooler in here. "Yellow warning of thunderstorms" haha yeah right.
If it was just me I'd be fine with this heat and a few cold cans, but with a young daughter this flat just gets way too hot. The air con is well worth the money today.
What a lovely day its been today.
Collected a wetsuit burn at Porthcawl beach today! Hands are stinging!
Yay the suns out at last ,ah no,its gone

It's about 9ºC cooler here in Cambridge than it was last night (hour by hour), opening windows wasn't an option then, now it's just fine
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