It's too hot :(

How is this thread still going LOL.

35C/95F is common here, it's often well over 100F. I admit almost everywhere has AC though.

The only time I don't really like it is when it's too humid/close, especially if I'm trying to play paintball in that weather. Wearing a mask, running around in the sun is entertaining.
I really don't remember it being humid during summer in Plymouth, for the 3 weeks during the year we actually got strong sunshine lol.
I'm walking away from this deal.

Mainly because I have to go deal with a fly that's come in through the open windows and has been clumsily bumbling about the room for the past half an hour.

I know how that feels. They enter a building so easy, yet can never find their way out of through even the most widest openings.

Deal is still on the table if you change your mind. :p
Looking like a nice run of weather, glorious yesterday but the breeze brought temp in here to 20c
Edit. Forgot trademark screenshot, can't disappoint

I've been enjoying the mild cooler weather these past few weeks. Dreading the heat that's coming, especially with our 12 week old.
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