It's too hot :(

Sunny but feels chilly with brisk wind, escaped most of the rain yesterday but hammered it down when i got home, some of the dots on the beach were wearing bikinis but sea around 17c still

You and I both rob, and not that wintry imposter, I want the one that fries eggs on the pavement.
Those that yearn for cold weather can try a New Year’s Eve period break in Montréal.

I don't understand your almost aggressive aversion to those who like cooler weather.

I have Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder, which means that I get anxious, stressed and depressed in the summer [never mind the misophonia, which is a LOT worse in the summer]. Autumn and winter make me feel calm, relaxed, at ease, stronger, positive and empowered. It's actually even more than that, they make me feel spiritually centred.

Now, I know that this is the opposite of those who have Seasonal Affective Disorder and who get depressed in the winter. I get it, they don't like the cold, they don't like the lack of light. It depresses and upsets them. But do I criticise them for it, because they're not the same as me? Do I think it's funny that they have to have special lights and listen to bird noises and have the heating on more often? Do I snap at them when they bleat out - as they do - at every opportunity - "what a beautiful sunny hot day it is, I love summer!!!!" No, not at all, because it's just different sensibilities.

I think the difference is that you just don't understand people who like cooler weather. Let alone those who relish it. But it's as simple as this: some people prefer hot weather, some prefer cold. And that's all there is to it.
I don't understand your almost aggressive aversion to those who like cooler weather.

I have Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder, which means that I get anxious, stressed and depressed in the summer [never mind the misophonia, which is a LOT worse in the summer]. Autumn and winter make me feel calm, relaxed, at ease, stronger, positive and empowered. It's actually even more than that, they make me feel spiritually centred.

Now, I know that this is the opposite of those who have Seasonal Affective Disorder and who get depressed in the winter. I get it, they don't like the cold, they don't like the lack of light. It depresses and upsets them. But do I criticise them for it, because they're not the same as me? Do I think it's funny that they have to have special lights and listen to bird noises and have the heating on more often? Do I snap at them when they bleat out - as they do - at every opportunity - "what a beautiful sunny hot day it is, I love summer!!!!" No, not at all, because it's just different sensibilities.

I think the difference is that you just don't understand people who like cooler weather. Let alone those who relish it. But it's as simple as this: some people prefer hot weather, some prefer cold. And that's all there is to it.

I appreciate your reply, and I sympathise with your SSAD, which I had no idea was a thing, I apologise if you think that I’ve been aggressive in my failure to understand those that dislike warmth, I really haven’t tried to be.
To the best of my knowledge I don’t suffer from SAD, I just really hate feeling cold, and you’re right, I can’t understand people who welcome the cold.
That bird noise thing and special lights was new to me, that must wind people up after a while, and I say that as someone who often enjoys hearing birdsong as I wake up, although Siddy, our semi pet squirrel can drive me nuts with his inane chattering at the kitchen balcony window, endlessly demanding macadamia nuts, which he knows he’ll eventually get if he keeps the chatter up long enough.
I promise to make the effort to keep my trap shut in future, when someone bleats about it not being cold enough, okay?
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