It's too hot :(

Text my 73 yo mum yesterday to make sure she won't be out gardening for the next couple of days. They have a huge sculpted/designed garden that they just work in all day every day.

Her answer was 'only early on' as they are getting up early hours and will come in when it gets hot, knew she couldn't resist not doing any.
Enjoying the last couple of hours (hopefully) of comfortable temperatures before my house starts turning into an oven :(. My old work had air con so could have gone in to the office for respite, but current work is public sector so of course doesn't have air con - no escape.
Ditto. The dog walking routes here have been very busy at this time for the past few weeks.
Yeah my partner is out with the dog atm - she took him out early yesterday too and was saying how many dogs were out early, imagine it will be even more so today. Probably the the only one he gets today unless I'm still up at 11pm and it feels bearable outside.
My in-laws can’t comprehend how to keep their house cool. I only care because they look after our dog during the day a couple of the days a week. They leave windows and blinds open because they “like the sun” with no consideration for our poor dog.

The other week it was getting hot and so they opened the door from their conservatory into the lounge to “let the breeze through”. The conservatory was 42C. They are beyond insane. Poor dog was melting.
My in-laws can’t comprehend how to keep their house cool. I only care because they look after our dog during the day a couple of the days a week. They leave windows and blinds open because they “like the sun” with no consideration for our poor dog.

The other week it was getting hot and so they opened the door from their conservatory into the lounge to “let the breeze through”. The conservatory was 42C. They are beyond insane. Poor dog was melting.
If you really cared you'd make other arrangements for your dog.
If you really cared you'd make other arrangements for your dog.
We haven’t got anyone else to look after him. He’s an extremely difficult dog, and can’t be left alone for more than a couple of hours.

He’s in doggy day care a couple of days a week but we can’t afford to have him in every day.
Blimm eck. Yeh if you've a conservatory you should not be opening the door between the conservatory and the house!

I've got my back door open at the moment whilst it's in the shade, to let some air in whilst it's still cool. Will be batoning down the hatches soon though!
We haven’t got anyone else to look after him. He’s an extremely difficult dog, and can’t be left alone for more than a couple of hours.

He’s in doggy day care a couple of days a week but we can’t afford to have him in every day.
Cant you just explain to them, heatstroke in dogs is no joke and even if they seem to recover organ damage can happen very quickly.
Cant you just explain to them, heatstroke in dogs is no joke and even if they seem to recover organ damage can happen very quickly.
It's been explained multiple times. As they're not my parents I can't push the fact too much, either with them directly or with my fiancée. They can't even do simple tasks like not letting the dog jump on the couch. Bit snookered really.
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