It's too hot :(

Workout was fine this morning in the log cabin, heat hadn't built up so with a fan it was pleasant. In the loft office it's getting warm, sat working shirtless until I can't take it anymore then I'll take the laptop and work from the living room.
Workout was fine this morning in the log cabin, heat hadn't built up so with a fan it was pleasant. In the loft office it's getting warm, sat working shirtless until I can't take it anymore then I'll take the laptop and work from the living room.
All Teams business meetings today have been conducted in a vest so far :D
Hell yea, planet rock on, few cups of tea and water.

Keep an eye on teams etc.

Not a great idea for the afternoon. Actually a dangerous idea. People in this country are not used to very high temperatures and the idea of heatstroke seems irrelevant.

But I would get in shade come 1pm-2pm.

32C currently here in SE London. Let's see how this progresses!
Classic NHS, in a large open office with 20 colleagues with windows on every side.

One working desk fan, two broken desk fans, no AC

Very warm.
My homeworking office for the majority of the rest of the day:


That looks awful tbh, rather be inside :D
Classic NHS, in a large open office with 20 colleagues with windows on every side.

One working desk fan, two broken desk fans, no AC

Very warm.

Absolutely shame on your managers. That's atrocious.

I am in the NHS too and the situation is the opposite. We have had so many fans ordered. I personally have three, one of which is nearly the size of a Spitfire propeller.

My managers are awesome :cool:
Absolutely shame on your managers. That's atrocious.

I am in the NHS too and the situation is the opposite. We have had so many fans ordered. I personally have three, one of which is nearly the size of a Spitfire propeller.

My managers are awesome :cool:
I have two patients to see this afternoon, the rest of the day I plan to spend in my care with aircon on max. I have laptop, i have wifi, it's battery so no unnecessary engine emissions, and I am really looking forward to it!!
I have two patients to see this afternoon, the rest of the day I plan to spend in my care with aircon on max. I have laptop, i have wifi, it's battery so no unnecessary engine emissions, and I am really looking forward to it!!
Yep, thinking of sleeping in my car tonight too. EV so no engine running to annoy the neighbours, just the climate running on ECO mode at 21C. Should be bliss.
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