It's too hot :(

Its vicious isn't it. I walked out of the back door earlier this afternoon and you are just hit with it. Made me have a premonition about the future where we have completely ****** the planet and its basically Mad Max.

Perhaps anyone responsible for climate change decisions that are ruining the planet should be forced to live in this heat for a few months a year without air-con.

Dude, this is normal weather in California. As far back as the 1970s that I heard people speak of. The world isn't screwed.
Our lads asked yesterday if they could start at 5am this morning and finish at 2.30pm which we agreed to and they all went home an hour ago. Too hot to be working in full PPE out in the sun today.
AC I think will be on my shopping list for next year.

From a bit of light research the portable AC are usually the loudest most inefficient. The window mounted ones were loud but more efficient/quieter than portable, the split AC systems would seem to be best but then you have added cost of professionally installed, although the cost of actual unit isn’t that far off.

The one which I may look for is a dual hose portable AC, apparently these have greater efficiency than a single hose portable AC and although will probably still be loud (as compressor is still inside) should cool a bit better and be cheaper to run, they seem to be fairly hard to find it UK though. In the US they have 2 ratings on single hose AC, say one is rated at 14,000 BTU, 4000 BTU would be lost from single hose alone.

I’ll shop around in the winter, hope for good price.
I'm still recovering from a really bad cold I had towards the end of last week which had me off sick for a couple of days, so this weather really isn't doing me any favours. Ice pack in a tea towel is helping though!
Dude, this is normal weather in California. As far back as the 1970s that I heard people speak of. The world isn't screwed.
Why does it sound like that you read the debunking article on the BBC yesterday so instead of the 'normal for the UK' you'v just changed the location.
The desperation of some people with an agenda..
The Fire Service is asking people not to have BBQ's as they are requesting a temporary ban for the next 24 hours. Latest Sky News
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