It's too hot :(

Forecast is saying 13C outside - no way - I've the windows wide open and absolutely no cooler air movement unlike last night. Temperatures inside and out are still way over 20.
Forecast is saying 13C outside - no way - I've the windows wide open and absolutely no cooler air movement unlike last night. Temperatures inside and out are still way over 20.
Same story here.

18 outside
22 inside
I think my house is trying to kill me by storing all the heat during the day and releasing into my face at night.
24.5 in my front room right now and it feels it.
Bbc weather says it's 14 outside, i have every window wide open, i doubt it's 14.
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Quite the wind blowing here at the moment its been breezy all day but its fairly blowing the curtains at the moment. Lovely. Infact I had to wear a jacket going out its chilly out there! There are times when its great living by the sea the only thing missing is rain aside from 5 minutes on sunday its been a good six weeks at least.

Water company is having trouble maintaining supplies saying not to use taps unless 'absolutely necessary' umpteen places across the county have got intermittent none or low pressure several schools had to shut yesterday as a result. And its only June...
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Forecast here (in scummy southend ) today to be another day of nuclear temperature . Supposed to be around 27 oc

I always get that dilemma (as i have no house air con ) do you open the windows to let some fresh air in, to keep the temp down, but knowing that the air is comming from people gardens which is highly pollenated , so your eyes and nose suffer from the 'summer syndrome'

or do you keep all the windows closed to keep the pollenated air out, and then watch the temperature in the house climb to 9000 degrees so your face melts?
(I really hate it my house was insulated last year to help with the sky high energy bills in winter) :mad:
Haven't read much of this thread but wondering if any of you have fan recommendations? Ideally sub 100 quid as its only for the dogs benefit at night.
Lovely breeze this morning down here, opened up all of downstairs and it dropped from 21 to 16 pretty quickly.

We could do with some rain though, the grass here looks like it's about to call it a day.
To sleep a bit more comfortably at night in this heat?
But fans don't do anything for a dog. They don't cool by sweating they cool by panting. I don't even have a dog and I know this how do you not, lol.

You'd have to get the dog wet for a fan to work.
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But fans don't do anything for a dog. They don't cool by sweating they cool by panting. I don't even have a dog and I know this how do you not, lol.

You'd have to get the dog wet for a fan to work.
I know, a standard fan would just blow hot air around also.. he’s 9, its not something that’s ever been needed before however I’ll rephrase, I’ve spotted some new low cost air con type fans/units recently and wondered if there was any suggestions :)
I know, a standard fan would just blow hot air around also.. he’s 9, its not something that’s ever been needed before however I’ll rephrase, I’ve spotted some new low cost air con type fans/units recently and wondered if there was any suggestions :)
Are they the ones that use water to cool the air slightly? They're not bad actually for what they are them take a degree or two of the temperature.

My friend swears by a cooling mat he got keeps cool for a few hours.
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