It's too hot :(

oh really

Ohhhhhhh GOD nooooooooo! Plan B. Cheers for that!
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I need to go to sleep, my veins are popping out of my arms and legs with the heat. :(

Pressure in my arms and legs is like I have worked out, I have done sod all except type! :p
iow here and 25c in my room. thought it was gonna be much worse. swigging back a beer in my undies, yeah there's a sight lol
26c here also, I'll take that over being cold any day though, have a fan oscillating over my bed, someone needs to invent a silent portable a/c unit, mine sounds like a tractor!

For me it isn't even the heat, it's the humidity, the stickiness is just vile.

My portable AC unit sounds like a tractor too, but it's preferable to the feeling, and with it being a fairly consistent sound, I find that it's easy enough to fall asleep after a little while, as I just zone it out.
if only i could zone out the rfi of the sky hub sr102 router, this thing was made in hell. the eardrumb penetration is off the scale! high pitched eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee infinity.
Only going to be 28c today so perfect for a shopping trip. Expect to hear stories about melting train lines today.
As much as we rarely get these days, I still have my portable aircon units that I wheel out for a few days each year, they cost me £160 each about 12 years ago, and I can keep two rooms nice and chilly.. last night the bedroom was 28 degrees, after 30 mins that was down to a reasonable 21 of crisp cool air..

I've also got some proper split airconditioners I bought back from Spain when they where selling them off for 99 Euros, I keep thinking of getting those fitted but to be honest the decent portable ones do a good job and then wheel them back in the cupboard when not in use..
It's 27c already in Croydon at 7.30am Madness

Was going to post the same; 24C at home at 6:30, 27C by the time I got to work at 07:15. At least the office aircon is still working at the moment, normally it breaks down at the first sign of hot weather, even so I have visions of Scotty standing in front of some shaking chiller units saying "she cannae take much more o' this cap'n".
Looks like the heat is finally heading north. 22C already at 8am when yesterday we barely reached 23C all afternoon.
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