That's an amazing total, well done all.
Absolutely, but at no point in this thread does it say what the money is to be used for.
What, I have not read every page and there is so much going on that its hard to know what the money was/is being spent on, my original thought for donation was because of this post, I only brought it up because I said I would donate around the 29th then things changed and I did not want people to think I was being two faced.
I am no way trying to gain attention. I think its brilliant thousands of people donated off the cuff and its great that everyone donated is glad the money is helping the skywalker family out.
Absolutely, but at no point in this thread does it say what the money is to be used for. We were hoping to speed the process up, but can't. So it is to improve the all-round situation that we aim for. Those trying to dictate what the money is to be spent on can go and jump
I don't think people were donating to a mysterious fund and the original OP gave the impression that the fund was to speed up Bethany's medical treatment.
This all seems to be a bit
I can understand where you are coming from in a sence - When this was put up and please remember I did not ask this, It was to see if enough could be raised to speed up the scan to speed up the WHOLE process . I think 3 days after it was started I managed to find out how much it would cost to get the scan done and there are a few on here that know I was trying over the weekend when it started . When I found out that it wouldnt speed up the whole process and preety much waste £2770 odd I was very prompt at putting up my findings and emailing Gilly about all of this and then it was ammended in the original post by Gilly.
I can not stress enough that I was not trying to give the impression of anything - Only giving what I knew
If anyone feels they would like there donation back please just email Gilly as I dont want any hard feelings anywhere
I dont want any hard feelings anywhere
I am sure the money will go towards something helpful and i donated what i could afford to so i have no issues that it cant speed up the process even if that was the original idea - if it helps Bethany in anyway then job done
I'm genuinely excited to see the size of this teddy bear, and pictures of Bethany and Mickey Mouse in Disneyland Paris!
Gilly, is there still anyway for me to donate? Not been able to use a PC lately due to getting vertigo.