I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Well done but I need to ask. In the left PIC u had more colour and looked younger compared to the right, in the right PIC it seems like its skipped about 5-10 years. Unless its just the way the photos came out as apart from the weight they look different in other ways like age and the dates on the pics show it to have just been 1 year between them so hence why I'm confused.

Great job tho but I do wonder how u address the skin sag issue as that's my one worry if I lost my weight like u did. I'd not be any more confident showing my body than before for example swimming I'd be too self conscious.

Dunno if asked yet but did u do weights or anything to build your mussels during weight loss.

Oh and might be a delicate question but wondered, did u have a man boob issue with the weight and if so did it fix itself when you got thinner?
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Well done but I need to ask. In the left PIC u had more colour and looked younger compared to the right, in the right PIC it seems like its skipped about 5-10 years. Unless its just the way the photos came out as apart from the weight they look different in other ways like age and the dates on the pics show it to have just been 1 year between them so hence why I'm confused.
The lighting is different, that accounts for the different skin colouration, it's as simple as that.
Interestingly, I tend to think I look younger before. The fat filled up my skin and any age wrinkles were barely visible. Having said that, I think I look better now. I'm not sure what you mean about the dates though, the original one was in July 2013 and the one I posted yesterday was taken yesterday. I lost around ten stone in the first year and then it took me six months or so to drop the rest of the weight. I've been maintaining now for about six months.

Great job tho but I do wonder how u address the skin sag issue as that's my one worry if I lost my weight like u did. I'd not be any more confident showing my body than before for example swimming I'd be too self conscious.
I do have some loose skin, enough for me to want to do something about it but not so much that it's a matter of urgency.

Dunno if asked yet but did u do weights or anything to build your mussels during weight loss.
Nope, nothing. I've not been to a gym at all apart from when I've been on holiday a couple of times and had some treadmill sessions.

Oh and might be a delicate question but wondered, did u have a man boob issue with the weight and if so did it fix itself when you got thinner?
Never had an issue with moobs.
No idea how someone can lose half their weight in a year, but this is the second case of this I have heard over the weekend

Well done!! must have been some serious hard work
bunch of replies.

Cheers for the replies, sorry if they seemed a bit personal just i have weight issues so when i meet someone who has done the miracle i tend to wana know things that id be worried about etc if i managed what u did.

Keep up the good work, its gona be hard but i think u can do it as u got this far.

Sent u a trust about the skin stuff btw.
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No idea how someone can lose half their weight in a year, but this is the second case of this I have heard over the weekend

Will power and determination. If you want it so bad you'll achieve it no matter what it is.
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