I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Superb, well done. I only want to loose ½ stone and can't seem to do that :D can't believe its just by eating2000 cal a day and walking. I need to check what I'm eating.
Amazing transformation, and done in a level headed and sustainable way, while still achieving rapid results. Well done!
I do have a question and forgive me if it has been asked but what about excess skin? I'm down nearly 6 stone so far and it's one thing that scares me.

Well done as well mate, amazing what you have achieved.
I'm maintaining now, my maintenance range is 11st 3lb to 11st 10lb so as long as I'm in there, I'm happy.
Congrats Feek, awesome result :).

Do you still do all the walking or have you lessened that now since you're on maintenance?

I've dropped from 22 stone down to 14 in a year myself, though I think I'll stay here rather than drop any lower.
Awesome stuff fella, looking to shed a few myself topped out at 20st 4lb (6"1)
Bought myself and my eldest daughter (11) a new mountain bike each, cycle buddies! (the wife used to keep fit with kickboxing/aerobics but cant be arsed with bikes) and between cutting out the silly stuff, sugar in coffee, chocolate in work etc, looking to drop to around 15st give or take a few lbs. I do also play golf at the weekend which used to be enough bit having kids and a more sedantry job these days doesnt help.
Seeing others success certainly helps motivate, congratulations again. Into week two now and still early days, 4lbs gone, long road ahead.
Im really impressed. After seeing your thread I have started walking 5 miles per day. I tried to buy a bike but that did not work out too well.

I am down from 70kg to 63.5 now, want to get to 62kg and I would be happy as I am only 5'7"
Just a little bump - No more milestones or anything like that to report, it's just that Timehop reminded me that the original picture was taken two years ago today so I just had to do a new picture as a comparison.

I'm quite happily maintaining the weight loss, life is good. And despite what philstanbridge says just ^^^^^, I'm happier now :D

Awesome stuff fella, looking to shed a few myself topped out at 20st 4lb (6"1)
Bought myself and my eldest daughter (11) a new mountain bike each, cycle buddies! (the wife used to keep fit with kickboxing/aerobics but cant be arsed with bikes) and between cutting out the silly stuff, sugar in coffee, chocolate in work etc, looking to drop to around 15st give or take a few lbs. I do also play golf at the weekend which used to be enough bit having kids and a more sedantry job these days doesnt help.
Seeing others success certainly helps motivate, congratulations again. Into week two now and still early days, 4lbs gone, long road ahead.

It might help to ignore that. The longer you see the road as being, the harder the journey seems.

If you make changes you can sustain without being overly bothered by them, you'll soon adapt to them and not be bothered by them at all. They'll become normal for you. So the "road" ceases to exist - you're just doing what's normal for you, same as you always have been. The trick is to change what's normal for you. Which you are doing by "cutting out the silly stuff". Your coffee will taste wrong without sugar to begin with because it's normal for you to have sugar in your coffee. After a few weeks it'll taste normal without sugar in it because it will have become normal for you to not have sugar in your coffee. Change what's normal for you - that's the key.

So the "long road" isn't a long road at all. It's now. Your weight at some point in the future is a result from the ongoing present, not a distant goal that you have to slog towards.

I don't know how much I weigh now, because I don't care. I'm healthier and stronger and fitter and that's what I care about. My waist is smaller and my chest, shoulders, arms and back are bigger and I'd bet good money my weight is lower, but the weight is a side effect and not the thing I'm interested in, not the true score. I was weighed repeatedly when I was being looked at by doctors for medical problems and my weight dropped 15Kg (105Kg to 90Kg), but I don't know what it is now. A mirror and my memory suggests somewhat less than that, but I don't know.

My position is a bit odd (I had an eating disorder and part of the cure was to stop obsessively weighing myself, so I don't have a normal perspective on weighing myself) but the "not a long road" idea might be useful to you.
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