I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Do you wear any 'walking/jogging' clothes/trainers? Or just go in whatever you are wearing?
During the week, I walk in my work clothes. I'll sometimes swap my decent shoes for a pair of running shoes but more often than not I don't bother. My brogues are comfortable and well broken in so I have no problem walking miles and miles in them. They've been re-heeled at least twice!

At weekends, either jeans, trackies or a pair of shorts with my running shoes.
Thanks Feek. I'm gonna do this. I've put on like 5kg recently and want to lose this.

Are you meticulously measuring calory intake to not exceed 2000 calories?
Do you find that since you lost all the weight you are more likely to dress more smartly?

Example, the photo in the first post you are wearing shorts and t-shirt, but after shedding the weight you are wearing smart trousers, top, and shoes.
Do you find that since you lost all the weight you are more likely to dress more smartly?

Example, the photo in the first post you are wearing shorts and t-shirt, but after shedding the weight you are wearing smart trousers, top, and shoes.

i have lost 10st in the last 4 years i aways had big hoddies and trackies on where ever i went now i dont own any trackies and only one fitted hoddie lol

well done Feek i bet you feel like a new man i know i do also the wife pays me more attention now ( if you know what i mean ) lol
Do you find that since you lost all the weight you are more likely to dress more smartly?

Example, the photo in the first post you are wearing shorts and t-shirt, but after shedding the weight you are wearing smart trousers, top, and shoes.
Well it's a bit misleading really. I've always tried to dress smartly but finding smart clothes in porker size isn't that easy.

However, the first picture was taken during a week's holiday to the seaside so I was dressed accordingly. The second one was taken the day before I was going on holiday to the seaside and I'd just bought some new clobber so again, I was dressed accordingly. If I found some pictures taken while I was away that second time, they'd be wearing a ratty t-shirt and a pair of shorts of exactly the same style, just smaller.
I dunno if that was a genuine question, or had some other agenda (can o worms). So many disparate factors influence how people dress at a particular time.

Regardless, absolutely incredible job Feek.
Congratulations an amazing achievement. Since leaving the forces I have put on a fair few pounds and really need to get my arse in gear and get it sorted.
Feek this is absolutely awe inspiring to me who is just at the start of his weight loss journey!


The above is my thread if you're curious, I'm 6ft8 and when I was weighed recently I was 24st 6lbs. I would love to see a transformation in myself similar to yours and am wanting to lose 12stone.

I'm genuinely interested in the loose skin if there is any, did it firm back up along with the rest of your body or have you had to have surgery etc?
Just wanted to add in that following this thread has inspired me to sort myself out too. Been just over a month and lost around 6.5kg so far! Well done Feek and thankyou!
Good luck Vidar, I hope you manage to succeed. If you're tracking food through MyFitnessPal, post your username in here and I'll add you.

Markopolo - Good stuff, I'm happy to have inspired you :)

Vidar, I do have some loose skin but remember that I'm older so my skin has lost a lot of the elasticity it would have had when I'm younger. I am investigating surgery because I'd like to get rid of what's left but it won't happen for a couple of years as it's very expensive.

I've got a wedding to go to in July so I bought a new suit at the weekend, it does make me look really skinny!

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