I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

MRK did say he had to reboot his machine after adding the different file types that were missing this was his mistake, he was targeted from the future knowing that his IT skills would cause the destruction of mankind given he would do anything to hopefully find some pictures of his neighbours nude. Once rebooted with the new file types selected Skynet uploaded its new version of its self and spreading at alarming rate silently drawing closer starting Judgement day.

MRK still unware of the human impending doom was sitting down learning back in his chair thinking to himself "why would anyone encrypt a SD card" looking puzzled at the wall wondering why his computer seems to be acting strangely since the reboot, a large figure appears at the door.

"MRK Come with me if you want to live" MRK knows straight its a T-800 not any T-800 this one has been overclocked and actually a SLI T-800 Ti sent from the future to save him to lead the rest humanity that survives judgement day against the new improved RGB overclocked super terminators. All this from an SD...…... FIN

Oh and the nukes land in the next few minutes so we wont ever know what might have also been on the SD Card
MRK did say he had to reboot his machine after adding the different file types that were missing this was his mistake, he was targeted from the future knowing that his IT skills would cause the destruction of mankind given he would do anything to hopefully find some pictures of his neighbours nude. Once rebooted with the new file types selected Skynet uploaded its new version of its self and spreading at alarming rate silently drawing closer starting Judgement day.

MRK still unware of the human impending doom was sitting down learning back in his chair thinking to himself "why would anyone encrypt a SD card" looking puzzled at the wall wondering why his computer seems to be acting strangely since the reboot, a large figure appears at the door.

"MRK Come with me if you want to live" MRK knows straight its a T-800 not any T-800 this one has been overclocked and actually a SLI T-800 Ti sent from the future to save him to lead the rest humanity that survives judgement day against the new improved RGB overclocked super terminators. All this from an SD...…... FIN

Oh and the nukes land in the next few minutes so we wont ever know what might have also been on the SD Card
This is completely feasible
I got bored after making a cup of tea and fell asleep.

Would be pretty concerned if recuva picked up anything from a device fully encrypted with bitlocker.

You would be correct! Whilst Recuva says it found a few thousand files, the end screen is always the same even after multiple scans with various settings on/off :(


Its MrK ... he likely found a gnat poo near his car and is now giving it a full detail in case of splatter :D

Or Aliens.

I am actually washing my car hah, was gonna post the update after that, but figured the people of ocuk need closure :p
I believe nVidia are already on the resistance team, bringing out Spectre "fixes" etc that will drastically reduce Skypenet's processing capabilities.

have to say, I am slightly impressed he managed to spot a micro SD card on the ground anyways.
I can ban @mrk if I get enough votes to do so....

bah, he ninja'd me.

Comrade plz

I believe nVidia are already on the resistance team, bringing out Spectre "fixes" etc that will drastically reduce Skypenet's processing capabilities.

have to say, I am slightly impressed he managed to spot a micro SD card on the ground anyways.

It wasn't difficult, I've got sharp eyes plus here is a dramatisation of how it was discovered:

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