Spending on Intel 13th gen and that’s it. Won’t be, at least expected, any upgrade for that socket. The 13900 won’t become slow overnight. Soon or later will be faster CPUs but will be a while until it becomes obsolete, bottlenecking your GPU.
Same can be said for AM5. The advantage of AM5, at least for now, is: you’ll have few new CPUs being released for that socket. You could spend a bit more for a solid motherboard and get a 7600 and drop a new CPU next year or later. For most scenarios, a 7600 won’t bottleneck a GPU, unless artificially creating a bottleneck.
I can’t see any person spending nearly 2k on a GPU and playing at 720 or 1080p. Even if some unicorn does, at such low resolution, even the 7600 will be able to deliver hundreds of fps.