Actually she should have been given bail in my opinion. Obviously with the right guarantees in place. It sees little purpose to keep her in jail, she is not likely to offer harm to anyone if on bail and could be monitored quite easily on a house arrest or curfew.
She was as they said, an extreme flight risk.
What was it, 3 passports, $15+ million spread over something like 20 accounts, multiple properties in various countries, and those were just the ones they could find easily.
Wasn't she also effectively trying to hide from the authorities having attempted to disable her mobile, and not left the house for months but instead sending out her private security team to do shopping?
I suspect if it wasn't for the fact that the land borders to the US have been effectively shut down/very heavily limited by the Canadians and Mexicans she would have made use of them months ago (IIRC the US isn't normally anything like as careful of people heading out).
As as someone else has said, it'll actually be easier to monitor/protect her in custody than on the outside, assuming not everyone involved in the prison is in on any scheme (certainly if anything does happen to here, there will be a much smaller pool of suspects).
The only issue is the covid risk, but that's an issue in every US prison at the moment (one of the private ICE ones has only about 20 inmates out of 400 or so test negative).