Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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8 Mar 2007
Just complained ok to the BBC, told them to stop being ***** and bring back TG

I quite like Top Gear but won't support a principle that just because I like a product, its staff can get away with workplace violence.

If any one of us threw a punch at a colleague at work we'd be out the door the same day. No suspensions or investigations, so why should Clarkson be allowed to commit common assault and just carry on as normal?
13 Mar 2006
and it is where he should say. He is possibly the worst excuse for a TV presenter ever.

In fact he is almost an enigma. A man with no wit, charisma, intelligence, or looks somehow managed to become a prime time TV "personality".

I feel you are neglecting the fact he has pierced nipples, an important string to his prime-time tv bow.
7 Oct 2014
If the punch did hit this producer then I would find it hard to defend Jezza. But its about context hell for all we know the producer might have called his wife a whore....
27 Jan 2012
The king of the north!
7 Aug 2004
Can you post a link so I can threaten them too with abusive language and the removal of funding ? I'm serious, I'm not happy about this.


I quite like Top Gear but won't support a principle that just because I like a product, its staff can get away with workplace violence.

If any one of us threw a punch at a colleague at work we'd be out the door the same day. No suspensions or investigations, so why should Clarkson be allowed to commit common assault and just carry on as normal?

BBC employees? :p

Yeah yeah but as below........

If the punch did hit this producer then I would find it hard to defend Jezza. But its about context hell for all we know the producer might have called his wife a whore....

Yeah we don't know why he gave him a wack - could have been more than justifed - the BBC programming society however won't say why, has even attempted to say why, or has even painted a picture that it may have been justified - media for you - playing their own game, creating their own rules and only telling their own story.

I'm fully expecting a response from the two above posters that violence is never justified in any situation........ :rolleyes:

Yes I am all for furthering human development, but as it is humans are the most violent horrific animals ever to have lived, in the UK we get by relatively amazingly well with little violence compared to most of humanity and all of humanity that has ever existed in the history of all time - he wacked a guy, the guy is no doubt just fine now, yeah its not ideal, granted I give you that (assuming he hit him for NO reason), but we all need to stop being so darn judgmental and crack on with life, life is to short, everyone is being nanny stated into submission.
7 Oct 2014
Violence doesn't solve problems. Only power and many horse powers can do that. ;)

**** you Sliver :D I hate agreeing with you :)

But you are quite it does not, If I was put in a position like that maybe I would punch the person too.

If it was completely unprovoked then his position is pretty indefensible.
If in the other hand it was mutual which its not looking that way he might have a chance...

I am not saying violence is right.
27 Dec 2011
BBC employees? :p

Yeah yeah but as below........

Yeah we don't know why he gave him a wack - could have been more than justifed - the BBC programming society however won't say why, has even attempted to say why, or has even painted a picture that it may have been justified - media for you - playing their own game, creating their own rules and only telling their own story.

I'm fully expecting a response from the two above posters that violence is never justified in any situation........ :rolleyes:

Yes I am all for furthering human development, but as it is humans are the most violent horrific animals ever to have lived, in the UK we get by relatively amazingly well with little violence compared to most of humanity and all of humanity that has ever existed in the history of all time - he wacked a guy, the guy is no doubt just fine now, yeah its not ideal, granted I give you that (assuming he hit him for NO reason), but we all need to stop being so darn judgmental and crack on with life, life is to short, everyone is being nanny stated into submission.

All I wanted was a link not a rant. :confused:
27 Dec 2011
**** you Sliver :D I hate agreeing with you :)

But you are quite it does not, If I was put in a position like that maybe I would punch the person too.

If it was completely unprovoked then his position is pretty indefensible.
If in the other hand it was mutual which its not looking that way he might have a chance...

I am not saying violence is right.

LoL. It sucks when I'm right don't it ? :D:):D
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