i would agree with much of whats been said...
First off get a decent CV done, either by yourself and have it proof read or pay to have it done. Don't go to Connexions though... ever as i have seen some absolutely abhorrent CV's written by them.
Part of my job actually entails me writing CV's so i've done a few thousand of them so will try and give you a few tips.
Text: golden rule never use Times New Roman use Arial or Tahoma
Name: this needs to stand out and be in Bold font size 16 vs the rest of the CV in FS12 + Centred
Address: should be typed fully i.e. Staffs should be Staffordshire + Centred
Phone numbers: should always have a space after the first five digits i.e. 01782 123456 07969 123456 + Centred
Headers i.e. : Summary, Education, Work History, Hobbies & Ints + Refs should all be bold and underlined
Personal Profile/Summary: Entirely up to you what you use... you state looking for professional jobs so i would definately recommend a Summary written in the third person: this should state you are qualified, Experience in the sector (in years) and aspects of your personality. Keep this to a max of 8 lines and a min of 5.
Education and Training: list in most recent first order, typing Colleges/Schools in Bold and normal text underneath as per below
1999-2004 Neo High School
Qualifications listed here
Work History: most recent first, optional whether you use the bullet point or paragraph points my CV lists as bullet points, looks much more crisp
Hobbies and Interests: make them relevant, if you say drinking, put socialising with friends. Keep to a minimum no more than 3 lines.
References: Always state available on request, this way you'll find out if they are interested and the chances are they won't just be calling for references but to find out about you as a person.
The people i work with always say: there's no jobs out there, we can't get work cause of the Polish, i have a bad back, i aren't qualified to do this that blah blah blah ****ing blah
- There are jobs out there because i sent three CV's off and got invited to 2 interviews with them (first time applying in 2years nearly) and have thus chosen my preferred job from the 2 interviews from the 2 companies who wanted me.
- Polish people WILL work longer and harder hours than YOU and for less money, its because you are lazy as to why you haven't got a job there are 600,000 out there.
- Bad back? get a backbone then i've had people call in sick on this programme for having a blister on their foot! I pulled my neck last year couldn't turn it because of the pain... hello i still came to work.
- Not qualified where did you start acting the idiot in school/college what?
At the end of the day of the people who are unemployed i believe you are in the 50% of people who do want to work but may struggle to find it. The other 50% will not work under
no circumstances. Period.
If you would like me to help you with a CV i will sort something out and then you can let me know what you think? Just put some big writing on here somewhere can normally put one together in 30mins max