Joe Rogan and Spotify

Its not about not liking it. Its about misinformation being dangerous(arguably) to the gullible. The US is now ungovernable due to misinformation, from the actual President(ex).

Who decides what's misinformation? The CCP probably decide that in China for example, and Putin does that in Russia
Who decides what's misinformation? The CCP probably decide that in China for example, and Putin does that in Russia
In the west it's mainstream media and social media companies.

Remember early in the pandemic when Wuhan Lab Leak theory was banned everywhere as conspiracy nonsense. Now it's widely accepted as the most likely scenario
Sure that sounds ridiculous but are they not free to think that? And how can you say with absolute certitude that the election wasn't rigged? You can't can you, yet you would want to shut down the conversation around it?

The large amount of checks, double checks, recounts, failures in court to make any inroads at all.....make it nearly certain it wasn't rigged. So people pushing conspiracy theories about it and citing the endless debunked nonsense are just idiots and need shutting down. They are literally just following what the cult leader says rather than actual facts/evidence. Its very dangerous.
Johns alright but its amazing that despite what he says in his videos he has somehow attracted a weird anti-vax audience all because he's covering stuff the papers just dont want to pick up. Like the dude isnt anywhere near the spectrum of anti-vax.

As for Joe - hes a clown, a very rich clown and his vaccination stance isn't the first time hes said something dumb.

On the limited times I've seen Rogan on YouTube I can't for the life of me see what people see in his content or why he got such a large Spotify deal. He could be anyone's dad having a conversation with someone in my opinion, just very mundane and flat.
The large amount of checks, double checks, recounts, failures in court to make any inroads at all.....make it nearly certain it wasn't rigged. So people pushing conspiracy theories about it and citing the endless debunked nonsense are just idiots and need shutting down. They are literally just following what the cult leader says rather than actual facts/evidence. Its very dangerous.

I rest my case.
Joe Rogan is one of those people I simultaneously love and despise from one minute to the next.
He goes from child like nievity to deep insights from one sentence to another.

I wish people could moderate themselves and not call for banning everything because they disagree. I guess people are generally absolutely stupid it seems. Gotta follow the narrative. The west is so doomed come ww3. Look what we are doing to ourselves. :P
Sure that sounds ridiculous but are they not free to think that? And how can you say with absolute certitude that the election wasn't rigged? You can't can you, yet you would want to shut down the conversation around it?
uhhh because countless experts some even appointed by Trump are clear: "There was no fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election."

This is the problem. facts come along, people ignore it then keeping on talking rubbish. This is exactly why its dangerous.
Luckily I have a good selection of Neil Young Lp's therefore I am immune to this spat. Interestingly his band is named Crazy Horse. :D
Also, the premise of this thread is completely wrong.

No one is stopping Joe Rogan spouting *****. That is his right. He does not have the right to do it on whatever platform he pleases/on platforms owned by other people, if they do not want him to. But Spoitify haven't even gone that far. They are simply pointing out that what he says may not be true in terms of science/healthcare.

DO you not think Spotify have the right to do that? Would that not be infringing on Spotify's "freedom of speech" or rights as a business if they were not allowed to do that?

What you are actually annoyed about, is that Joe Rogan is not protected from any consequence of his actions and words.
uhhh because countless experts some even appointed by Trump are clear: "There was no fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election."

This is the problem. facts come along, people ignore it then keeping on talking rubbish. This is exactly why its dangerous.

Is that Joe Rogan's fault that the public no longer believe anything the MSN or the politicians that represent them say? Or have they brought this upon themselves with their partisan and often outright dishonest conduct? Maybe the answer should be for them to get their act together and operate with some credibility, instead of shutting down the only motivation they might have to do so.
if you need to ask that question, you're one of the people that need protecting from misinformation.

You act like there's always broad scientific consensus on everything, or even that the mainstream scientific opinion is always correct, did you believe the government when we were told we didn't need to wear masks to stop an airborne virus in March 2019? They were even showing pictures of people wearing masks as if they were crazy
Sure that sounds ridiculous but are they not free to think that? And how can you say with absolute certitude that the election wasn't rigged? You can't can you, yet you would want to shut down the conversation around it?

Are you sure you proof read this properly :p

It is worth pointing out that countless times the Republican side have alleged election fraud and not a single time has any independent investigation led to any fraud being found. Have you missed the bit about where they also send over 60 claims to court and all but one got thrown out due to no evidence being presented other than "he said she said"? And the one case that was filed in the end was down to a technicality instead of actual fraud.
Ironically a lot of the misinformation in the west has originated from Russian troll farms, its one of their most successful tactics.

Ok but who decides what's misinformation? Maybe Boris decides it's misinformation that there were parties held in Downing Street, I assume you're all fine with that?
If you don’t agree and then try to convince everyone else of that view, rightly so. If you keep it to yourself, nobody cares.

Word up, as we ageing hipsters are wont to say, my nutty cousin contacted my wife via Facebook and asked if I had had any jabs, when my wife replied in the affirmative and said that I was anticipating my booster, (at that time), the cousin said, “Tell him he’s a wimp, and that he’s dead to me.”
My wife, just before severing any ties with said cousin, replied, “Oh Barbara, what will he do? He’ll be in despair!”
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