And to make matters worse, mixed in with the dumb celebrities - there's a sizeable number of wealthy, clever, morally bankrupt, swindlers and internet grifters, who are telling lies purely so people will buy their junk products; anti-5G wrist bands, expensive blog subscriptions and invest in their sham companies.
I find these days, that there's far too much information about extremely difficult subjects banded about on social media. Information such as medical research and literature which requires years of academia and education to be able to understand. The average Joe on Youtube or Facebook who can barely add up or spell correctly on a good day, doesn't have a hope in hell of being able to understand it, let alone draw any meaningful conclusions from it.
Ok, hands up any of those wanting to cancel Rogan, or support his removal from Spotify, are susceptible to being convinced by his views on the vaccine?
Twitter on Sunday permanently suspended the personal account of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican of Georgia, after the company said she had violated its Covid-19 misinformation policies.
Twitter suspended Ms. Greene’s account after she tweeted on Saturday, falsely, about “extremely high amounts of Covid vaccine deaths.” She included a misleading chart that pulled information from a government database of unverified raw data called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, a decades-old system that relies on self-reported cases from patients and health care providers.
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.
Jesus, is that what he's normally like? How can people listen to him?
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.
The Bili apes or Bondo mystery apes were names given in 2003 in sensational reports in the popular media to a purportedly new species of highly aggressive, giant ape supposedly inhabiting the wetlands and savannah around of the village of Bili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1][2] "The apes nest on the ground like gorillas, but they have a diet and features characteristic of chimpanzees", according to a 2003 National Geographic article.[1]
It soon turned out they were common chimpanzees,[3][4] and part of a larger contiguous population stretching throughout that part of northern Congo.[5][6][7] Genetic testing with non-nuclear DNA in 2003 immediately indicated that it was in fact part of the already described eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) a subspecies of the common chimpanzee.[2][4][8]
Lol what?
The only viewpoints here that are painful are ones like yours and the OP's.
I am not advocating for the government to censor views i don't like. I'm respecting Spotify's right to host whatever they want on their servers, and have their own opinions and thoughts on the content too.
Jesus, is that what he's normally like? How can people listen to him?
Jesus, is that what he's normally like? How can people listen to him?
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.
the only speech you should be supporting is an uncensored view
.... uncensored yes, but factually inaccurate - no thanks.
I'd been meaning to switch from Spotify for a while as I'd rather have my subs funding music than podcasters. That and their discovery features have been getting worse for years.
Switched to Tidal at the weekend. 1 quid for 3 months so that's saved 45quid, imported all my playlists. As long as the android auto interface is ok that'll be a permanent switch for me.
Is there a free method to transfer playlists ?