Joe Rogan and Spotify

Ok, hands up any of those wanting to cancel Rogan, or support his removal from Spotify, are susceptible to being convinced by his views on the vaccine?
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.


And to make matters worse, mixed in with the dumb celebrities - there's a sizeable number of wealthy, clever, morally bankrupt, swindlers and internet grifters, who are telling lies purely so people will buy their junk products; anti-5G wrist bands, expensive blog subscriptions and invest in their sham companies.

I find these days, that there's far too much information about extremely difficult subjects banded about on social media. Information such as medical research and literature which requires years of academia and education to be able to understand. The average Joe on Youtube or Facebook who can barely add up or spell correctly on a good day, doesn't have a hope in hell of being able to understand it, let alone draw any meaningful conclusions from it.

Utterly this.

Whilst Fox news and the Republicans are telling their supporters to just go and die not take the vaccine and that covid is a hoax, they're all fully vaccinated (in some cases they fought to get it before medical staff), and their companies require them to be vaccinated and tested before going to work.

So you end up with the likes of the proud unvaccinated police officer who really showed his boss who was the alpha male when he did a video on his last shift as an officer because there was a law he didn't like.
Go forward a few months and he's dead of covid, along with a whole host of second rate Trump fanatics and Republican wannabe's who were proudly telling people covid was a hoax.

There is a site that lists a lot of those who were briefly "heroes" of the antivax cause who died of covid in the US, and it includes a load of evangelical/money church types (god will save you!*) including the founder of one of the big "christian"* networks, and the likes of state level politicians who saw MAGA as more important than science (even though Trump and co apparently had a fridge of vaccine in the office and if you were a good sycophant you got it).

*I'm reminded of the story about the guy who was shipwrecked and ignored multiple rescue efforts as "god will save me", and when he died he goes to god "why didn't you save me" to which the reply came "I sent you multiple rescue parties". Usually told by the likes of Vicars who are trying to tell someone that you take the help and don't expect it to be delivered by a burning bush or whatever.

**For a very loose interpretation of the name, assuming you are willing to ignore almost off of the teachings of the bible, including the most basic.
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Ok, hands up any of those wanting to cancel Rogan, or support his removal from Spotify, are susceptible to being convinced by his views on the vaccine?

Not on the vaccine but I will admit to listening to one his shows a while back on a less controversial issue (history related I think) and telling others about it only to find out a few hours later when I fancied doing a bit of reading on the subject that it wasn't really accurate.

That is the problem when the host doesn't question or verify anything the guest says and that little bit of inaccurate knowledge ends up getting passed around. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and all that.
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spotify shareprice fell 12% last week shareholders will cancel Rogan, or introduce a misinformation/suspension policy like twitter

Twitter on Sunday permanently suspended the personal account of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican of Georgia, after the company said she had violated its Covid-19 misinformation policies.

Twitter suspended Ms. Greene’s account after she tweeted on Saturday, falsely, about “extremely high amounts of Covid vaccine deaths.” She included a misleading chart that pulled information from a government database of unverified raw data called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, a decades-old system that relies on self-reported cases from patients and health care providers.

(moan - does seem a cartel/monopoly that many car manufacturers support spotify integration, less so other platforms)
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.

Jesus, is that what he's normally like? How can people listen to him?
I think there needs to be some checks and balances, with regard to hosting "doctors" who want to talk about vaccines on a show or Podcast such as Rogan, especially where there may be a conflict of interest, or where money is changing hands.

Regarding two of the doctors who appears on his show; Dr Robert Malone, and Peter McCullough. It takes about 5-10 minutes of reading and googling to discover some problems with these people.

Malone claims he was the pioneer of mRNA vaccines but was never fully credited with it - looking at his website he appears to be somewhat salty about that. He published some papers on Famotidine and Ivermectin but they were rejected for making unsupported claims. He then went on a solo campaign trying to get people to take Ivermectin - whilst simultaneously telling lies about the vaccines, before being suspended from Twitter.

Peter McCulloch was one of the first people trying Hydroxychloroquine in Covid patients, when it turned out that it didn't work he ultimately went on a tyrade of telling lies in right wing magazines (presumably for cash), that tens of thousands of people had died from vaccinations and so on.

Basically, these "doctors" don't come across as the type of people you'd trust with your life when it comes to matters of healthcare. They seem like a pair of disgruntled businessmen who are just sowing discord because their ideas were rejected, and instead they can get paid money if they tell lies to the right internet show host, who wants nothing more than clicks and more money.
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.

What an arrogant *****.

He talks down to people, shouts down his listeners, he called that listener who called up an idiot.

He spends 30 seconds on Facebook reading a 2 line post and take that as fact. What he read was the paragraph but not the 2nd. That took me 2 seconds to check.

The Bili apes or Bondo mystery apes were names given in 2003 in sensational reports in the popular media to a purportedly new species of highly aggressive, giant ape supposedly inhabiting the wetlands and savannah around of the village of Bili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1][2] "The apes nest on the ground like gorillas, but they have a diet and features characteristic of chimpanzees", according to a 2003 National Geographic article.[1]

It soon turned out they were common chimpanzees,[3][4] and part of a larger contiguous population stretching throughout that part of northern Congo.[5][6][7] Genetic testing with non-nuclear DNA in 2003 immediately indicated that it was in fact part of the already described eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) a subspecies of the common chimpanzee.[2][4][8]
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Lol what?

The only viewpoints here that are painful are ones like yours and the OP's.

I am not advocating for the government to censor views i don't like. I'm respecting Spotify's right to host whatever they want on their servers, and have their own opinions and thoughts on the content too.

You're ignoring the fact that lines between governments and private companies become blurred because governments can force regulation on private companies if they don't do as they're told, the only speech you should be supporting is an uncensored view or you are inviting the type of hell you're apparently not smart enough to understand.
Jesus, is that what he's normally like? How can people listen to him?

It's pretty obvious that's Joe's true character but he's had to tame it to become succesful. A good comedian would have handled that way more gracefully, keeping it funny whilst still letting her get her point across.
This is the man that millions trust as a source of information. The man is a loon in some of his beliefs and his behaviour is out of order, don't blame it on weed either, I've smoked loads and never talked to someone like that, especially not someone who is actually an expert.

This is a clip from Opie and Anthony, most likely over 20 years ago, why are clips from 20+ years ago being dug up I wonder? It's the cancel culture people at it again!
I only really know a bit about Joe Rogan from watching years of UFC.

I like that Joe Rogan, but that's a small snippet of his personality.

That Youtube video with the ape woman is baaad.
the only speech you should be supporting is an uncensored view

.... uncensored yes, but factually inaccurate - no thanks.
the only speech you should be supporting is an uncensored view

.... uncensored yes, but factually inaccurate - no thanks.

So you only wish to allow speech that is factually accurate? How will we challenge anything if people aren't allowed to be incorrect?
I'd been meaning to switch from Spotify for a while as I'd rather have my subs funding music than podcasters. That and their discovery features have been getting worse for years.

Switched to Tidal at the weekend. 1 quid for 3 months so that's saved 45quid, imported all my playlists. As long as the android auto interface is ok that'll be a permanent switch for me.

Is there a free method to transfer playlists ?
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