Joe Rogan and Spotify

I'm clearly not intelligent enough for this thread.

Popped in and read the this page to see how the debate was going and I have no idea what's going on. :D
2 unnecessary and awful apologies later, survive a few more rabid news cycles... maybe he will make it out connected to Spotify. :p

Funny how the only people who care when asked are the white lefty virtue signallers

That video is about Alex Jones and Joe's planet of the apes comment, not the n-word, the clue was here
Looks like Alex Jones was putting that video out there of JR saying planet of the apes back in 2019

Why don't you go into a nightclub or any venue that is filled mainly with black people, even a church and tell them its like the planet of the apes in there and see if its just lefty virtue signallers that get upset. You're always on about masculinity and how you only respect masculine men, so lets see if you've got a pair, to use a term you'll be familiar with. I'm thinking they'd shrivel up like petit pois before you got within 100m of the door.

Edit: as for him using the n-word, I'm not offended by it. He was using in a context that is just discussing it being used in society. Getting someone else to say it who clearly didn't want to and laughing just shows he can be an idiot. We already knew that though.
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That video is about Alex Jones and Joe's planet of the apes comment, not the n-word, the clue was here

Why don't you go into a nightclub or any venue that is filled mainly with black people, even a church and tell them its like the planet of the apes in there and see if its just lefty virtue signallers that get upset. You're always on about masculinity and how you only respect masculine men, so lets see if you've got a pair, to use a term you'll be familiar with. I'm thinking they'd shrivel up like petit pois before you got within 100m of the door.
Cool story but who cares, he said something that was taken out of context that’s being made a bigger issue than it needs to be.
Cool story but who cares, he said something that was taken out of context that’s being made a bigger issue than it needs to be.

His planet of the apes comment has been taken out of context? So you're cool with that yeah? Referring to a black neighbourhood as being like the planet of the apes, just so we're clear. “We walked into Planet of the Apes, we walked into Africa.”
His planet of the apes comment has been taken out of context? So you're cool with that yeah? Referring to a black neighbourhood as being like the planet of the apes, just so we're clear. “We walked into Planet of the Apes, we walked into Africa.”
So what did he mean by that then?
That video is about Alex Jones and Joe's planet of the apes comment, not the n-word, the clue was here

Why don't you go into a nightclub or any venue that is filled mainly with black people, even a church and tell them its like the planet of the apes in there and see if its just lefty virtue signallers that get upset. You're always on about masculinity and how you only respect masculine men, so lets see if you've got a pair, to use a term you'll be familiar with. I'm thinking they'd shrivel up like petit pois before you got within 100m of the door.

Edit: as for him using the n-word, I'm not offended by it. He was using in a context that is just discussing it being used in society. Getting someone else to say it who clearly didn't want to and laughing just shows he can be an idiot. We already knew that though.

I think the Planet of the Apes comment was stupid, I haven't seen or witnessed any sort of racism from him other than that one deleted joke, he's only ever actually shown the complete opposite view. I think the joke was dumb, he deleted it at the time after realising probably the moment he said it, and then it's resurfaced. I think a lot of people have said offensive things in the past that don't represent their current views, and probably even the views they had at the time.
Why don't you have a think about it. A white guy goes to a black neighbourhood to see planet of the apes and comments “We walked into Planet of the Apes, we walked into Africa” about the neighbourhood. If it takes longer than 2 seconds I can't help you.
Prove that it is meant as a racist remark then. Not how you interpret it but exactly what he meant at that moment in time.
:cry::cry::cry: I can't believe you're trying to defend it. You carry on lad.
Dude your hell bent on bringing Joe Rogan down or whatever it is your trying to do.

Look does it sound bad? Sure but you really don’t know the intention behind it. I’ve said silly things in the past that could easily have been interpreted as a racist comment to others, yet I know better than anyone the meaning or intention behind it that was nothing more than a joke between friends. I’m not racist in the slightest and neither do I think Rogan is. You do realise he has many black friends including people like Dave Chappell who he absolutely admires and acknowledges him as one of the best comedians ever.

Your jumping on the band wagon for your own personal reasons but don’t expect me to do the same.
Klinck has been pretty reasonable in this thread imo and although I've enjoyed and continue to enjoy Rogan that doesn't mean defending everything he's said. That's just tribalism.

He messed up. It was deleted. He apologised. People grow and change and learn from their mistakes. Anyone that has taken much time to listen to Rogan knows that this was out of character and not at all representative of his views. Thats my 2 cents anyway.
How strange. He was talking about the controversy surrounding Dave Chapelle and his Netflix special 3 months ago, yet it’s almost interchangeable for what he is actually going through today. :D

Klinck has been pretty reasonable in this thread imo and although I've enjoyed and continue to enjoy Rogan that doesn't mean defending everything he's said. That's just tribalism.

He messed up. It was deleted. He apologised. People grow and change and learn from their mistakes. Anyone that has taken much time to listen to Rogan knows that this was out of character and not at all representative of his views. Thats my 2 cents anyway.
Yep which is why is I said it doesn’t matter. If he made a mistake and said something out of character then it doesn’t need to be blown up into a big thing unless you have an agenda.
Yep which is why is I said it doesn’t matter. If he made a mistake and said something out of character then it doesn’t need to be blown up into a big thing unless you have an agenda.

Of course there's an agenda, the agenda is deflecting from Joe Biden's ratings and the lack of the left wing media being able to use Trump to generate traffic and ad revenue, that's it. Joe Rogan is bigger than CNN and it makes them angry.
Of course there's an agenda, the agenda is deflecting from Joe Biden's ratings and the lack of the left wing media being able to use Trump to generate traffic and ad revenue, that's it. Joe Rogan is bigger than CNN and it makes them angry.
ROFL. I just dont really know what to say about that post. Which conspiracy site did you get that from?
In what unracist way does Africa remind someone of the planet of the apes? I mean really. How in what way? Especialy after stepping out of a plane? I cant remember any airports in the planet of the apes. Would he have said that in china or any other non majority white country?

Im not saying Joe is a full out there racist. I think he unintentionally just says racist and stupid things.
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Of course there's an agenda, the agenda is deflecting from Joe Biden's ratings and the lack of the left wing media being able to use Trump to generate traffic and ad revenue, that's it. Joe Rogan is bigger than CNN and it makes them angry.
You need help.
Why would anyone want to go on his podcast as he will just cancel you and remove you at any given point in the future if something you said didn't go down well in the current timeframe.
Of course there's an agenda, the agenda is deflecting from Joe Biden's ratings and the lack of the left wing media being able to use Trump to generate traffic and ad revenue, that's it. Joe Rogan is bigger than CNN and it makes them angry.

:cry::cry::cry: OMG you really are just as bad as the people you criticise. Its the same nonsense but from the other end of the political spectrum.
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