Joe Rogan and Spotify

This is not true for covid, taking a vaccine to vaccinate you from covid is only sensible if you are elderly or have serious health conditions.

if you want to participate an interact in society then appropriate that you have the vaccine to avoid spreading it to others;

pity that the spotify owner isn't as discriminating about what he permits rogan to teach his disciples (Djokovic & all ?) versus his sound grifter decision on harry&meghan

It seems the Americans are belatedly waking up to the reality of the Sussexes. Bill Simmons, Spotify’s head of podcast innovation and monetisation, has finally cottoned on to the fact that Harry and Meghan aren’t exactly model Stakhanovite grafters. He has this week come out and attacked them as ‘******* grifters’, after their £15.6m Archetypes podcast deal with Spotify was unceremoniously canned. The Wall Street Journal reports that the couple may not have met the productivity requirements to get the full payout. How will they cope?
if you want to participate an interact in society then appropriate that you have the vaccine to avoid spreading it to others;

pity that the spotify owner isn't as discriminating about what he permits rogan to teach his disciples (Djokovic & all ?) versus his sound grifter decision on harry&meghan
is this sarcasm?

The last lines from his tweet

A detailed and sourced fact check of this podcast would be an important contribution to the public dialogue if anyone is so inspired.

Yeah good luck with that. No one who believes/wants to believe Kennedy is interested in it being fact checked and if it is they'll just accuse the fact checker of being in the pay of big pharma. See the original tweet I posted and the replies to it.

Kennedy is a politician and has had years to refine his nonsense to make it as plateable as possible for the masses. Hardly a surprise its being lapped up by those said masses who want to believe big pharma and the government are in a conspiracy to control their lives for what ever reason makes sense to them.

Joe in the last 24 hours has been asking medical professionals to debate Kennedy live on his show, even offered one 100k to do it. They know they'd have to be mad to agree to do it. You are just giving credibility to Kennedy by doing it and no amount of science based arguments is going to convince people who want to believe this crap. Its like an atheist debating the clergy, even though the atheist will win it won't change people's faith.

This is the person Joe is interviewing. Why not just ask Andrew Wakefield on, he is as credible as Kennedy, arguably more credible as he at least is medically trained, even if he was stuck off for faking data for money.

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Here you go. The professor of medicine is willing to speak to Joe but Joe wants a debate between an actual expert and a loon with zero expertise. and of course Elon has to jump in. It would be like asking Elon to debate a flat earther, in no world would Elon agree to it and its right that he wouldn't.

Lets never forget Elon said covid would be gone by April 2020, shows what an expert in the field he is and why you shouldn't trust such statements from people with zero expertise.

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is this sarcasm?
yes on the level that Rogan apparently makes spotify money but H&M don't, so Rogan misrepresenting vaccine argument (per platinums take-away) becomes a don't care.

Thought (first 90%) of this BBC podcast was good : balance of machismo/resilience/brotherhood
Rylan Clark is joined by former Royal Marine and Paralympian, Mark Ormrod, who became a triple amputee after stepping on an improvised explosive device while on a tour in Afghanistan.

Only ever listened to Rogan w/Musk (when thread was created) - it was a sycophantic love-in, Rogan's not a polymath.
if you want to participate an interact in society then appropriate that you have the vaccine to avoid spreading it to others;

Even me working in a hospital during the really bad Covid times and on Covid wards doesn't believe this (and we still have Covid patients).
Nobody said that you wouldn't ever get Covid if you had a jab, just hopefully you wouldn't get symptoms as bad and I firmly 100% believe if I'd caught Delta it was bye bye however I had two jabs, got Covid and it wasn't even a cold for me and so far I've had it 3 times without any symptoms worth talking about.
So no, having the vaccine wasn't about not spreading it to others, it was to reduce the risks.

It's a travesty that for 99.999% of jabbed people (there could be more 9s on the end of that) absolutely nothing will happen bad for taking any vaccine but there will always be a few people that the vaccine reacts badly with and they are the ones the conspiracy theorists concentrate on.
It doesn't matter that Bill Gates has virtually eradicated Polio, what matters is a few kids died from the vaccine.
I personally know somebody who had a vaccine to go to Egypt and it killed her so should we stop that particular vaccine for the whole world because one persons body couldn't handle it?
Actually when the jab first came out they all said you wouldn't get covid if you took the jab.

Nobody said it and it was made very clear at the hospital I worked at so staff weren't tricked intro thinking they would never get it.
Yes it was all Social Media saying that you wouldn't get it.

And the Joe Biden quote, that's America and idiots would prefer to listen to him.
We were under no illusion that we wouldn't get it, only that it should protect us better.
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Nobody said it and it was made very clear at the hospital I worked at so staff weren't tricked intro thinking they would never get it.
Yes it was all Social Media saying that you wouldn't get it.

And the Joe Biden quote, that's America and idiots would prefer to listen to him.
We were under no illusion that we wouldn't get it, only that it should protect us better.
But nobody said it......
Joe Biden did

That was over 6 months after the first UK vaccine was even given out. I don't know about everyone else but I'd had my second vaccine by then.

Is that your definition of "when the jab first came out" @GIBURROWS ?
That was over 6 months after the first UK vaccine was even given out. I don't know about everyone else but I'd had my second vaccine by then.

Is that your definition of "when the jab first came out" @GIBURROWS ?
Someone in a position of authority saying it after it's been out for 6 months is even worse then is it not?
Someone in a position of authority saying it after it's been out for 6 months is even worse then is it not?

In America, like I said even our clown didn't make those claims and we at the NHS were clearly told it was for protection and not that we couldn't catch it.
If Johnson had made that claim the whole of the NHS would have been on his back.

And yes I 100% agree that idiots would take Biden's words in.
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In America, like I said even our clown didn't make those claims and we at the NHS were clearly told it was for protection and not that we couldn't catch it.
If Johnson had made that claim the whole of the NHS would have been on his back.

And yes I 100% agree that idiots would take Biden's words in.
It doesn't matter where it was though, the statement 'nobody said that you wouldn't ever get Covid if you had a jab' is wrong isn't it. We all lived through the pandemic a few years ago and this warping of what was said at the time is utterly bizarre. There are numerous examples online of people in positions of authority saying you wouldn't get covid if you were jabbed, or you wouldn't transmit it if jabbed etc. Just look through the big covid thread on here and you'll see folks repeating those same things.

Anyway, off topic and all that. Wonder if anyone will have the nuts to take Rogan's 100k offer to debate RFK Jr.
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