That private companies shouldn't perhaps censor based on blue haired Twitter outrage? That's essentially my opinion. Everytime I see someone comment on Facebook negatively about Joe Rogan I'll check their profile out and it's always some 50+ year old bloke who looks like he's given up on life and wants to drag the rest of the world down with him, like their wife has bought their clothes for the past 25 years, so that probably influences my opinion too
I don't want to censor anyone necessarily. I just support Spotify's right to do what they want in terms of hosting him or not.
I find the outrage over some idiot being banned from some social media platform as equal in it's stupidity as the outrage about them in the first place.
Why do you care what someone on Twitter, or what Spotify thinks about Joe Rogan? If he was popular enough, there would be nothing stopping him just having his own platform. If the government decided to stop him having his own platform when he is doing nothing illegal, then i would agree with the premise that is trying to be made up in the OP of this thread.
No person or company should be forced to host anyone and everything (unless the reason is due to obvious discrimination). You say "private companies shouldnt...." Why not? Why is it up to you? DO you not agree with them having their own autonomy?
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