John Terry Racism Trial

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Magistrate, said`It is a crucial fact that nobody has given evidence about what Mr Terry said or how he said it.'

Now we can get back to normal again and hear more JT love.....
The lip reading experts evidence was never going to hold up against a top of the range defence team.

Not surprised really.

Not guilty? So how did they arrive at the verdict? What of the evidence of him supposedly saying it and lip reading experts?
JT doesn't deny that he said the words, but there's no proof that he said them maliciously (his defence being that he was sarcastically repeating back what he thought AF had said to him). The video footage didn't have enough context to prove it either way, and there were no other witnesses to what was said. So he's proven not guilty due to reasonable doubt. Like in many cases it doesn't mean he didn't do the crime, it just can't be proven.

In an ideal world this would be a good opportunity for the footballing powers to introduce measures to clean up the behaviour of players on the pitch. Can't see it happening though. :(
Swearing is NOT a public order offence, its an offence if it harrases, alarms or distresses someone. Sorry but hearing a singular swear word, or a string of them doesn't do any of the above.

No one in that stadium was harrased, no one would get alarmed or distressed hearing a swear word in public. If someone was swearing repeatedly at someone in particular and that person felt harrassed it would become a public order offence of the extremely minor, pathetically pedantic kind, when it becomes threatening or really distressing, someone following your child swearing then you move into what the public order offence was actually made for.

Sorry, but I disagree with you.
If somebody can be fined under Section 5 of the Public Order Act for swearing in the street in front of a handful of people, I think a Footballer player with a stadium full of people and thousands watching on television is more than deserving of it.

Swearing has been and always will be a part of language in the distant past and future this is true, some people like to pretend its not, it is. We see Rooney calling the ref a ******* **** basically every single week, this isn't a once in a lifetime occurrence where people who go to a football game are well and truly shocked to hear a swear word, you can't claim to be harrassed. alarmed or distressed by what is nothing less than bog standard swearing in public.

It doesn't matter whether swearing is part of language or not, it's not something that is actively promoted, infact its the opposite given the stance taken on people who swear in stadiums.

Nexus, using the word black isn't automatically negative, that is the completely ridiculous, overly PC, insane understanding of racism AND its incorrect and not racist by any definition of racism.

Did you read my posts before making that statement?
I have already said that 'Black' is the correct term for describing somebody of that ethnic origin, there is nothing wrong with that. However the second you bring somebody's skin colour or race into an argument, you are making it a race issue.

Someone who isn't racist, and uses the word black doesn't automatically make it racist. Someone who is racist CAN use it negatively, that in no way at all makes every single usage of the word negative. The WORST thing we can do to get rid of racism, is make its something its not, make any usage of a whole bunch of words automatically racist in the quest to stamp out racism, because its completely stupid.

Somebody who refers to somebody's race in an argument is doing it in a derogative manner, there is no other reason why you would do this. It's also silly to say that somebody isn't racist because they aren't a racist, that doesn't make any sense. Are you saying you can only call somebody racist if they fit the stereotype? Neo-Nazi tattoos and a skin head?

Let racism be racism, when John Terry won't talk, won't pass, will kick and try to injur a player on the field, or maybe as a manager refuses to buy black players, that would be racist, that needs to be gotten rid of.

What you want, is a usage of a term, where by Terry treats Rio differently to everyone else, that is not racism, its not getting rid or racism, its nothing, its PC **** where people make up a problem that never existed.

When you arbitrarily give extra meaning to new words, and force your random views on everyone else, you CREATE problems, not fix them.

Do you not see a problem with, 22 guys on the pitch, with anyone not black, you can get angry, or joke around with, with no censorship, no problem, but if that person is black there is a list of things you can't say, a list of things you can't do a way to behave TO APPEAR NOT TO BE RACIST, rather than to just not be racist and treat that player normally?

Society falls down more often than not when it becomes so freaking scared of accidentally APPEARING to be something that they go to the other extreme and start acting completely differently just to not APPEAR whatever that is, in this cast racist.

You can't have a racism free, completely equal society..... when you are being actively told to treat black people differently.

John Terry is somebody who has held the honour of serving his country as Captain of England's most watched sport. If you can't fail to see why his comments are not only inappropriate as somebody in his position, but also the message it sends out to young people then I really don't know what else to say.
Prosecution wasn't good enough; nor the evidence they provided strong enough, that's all there is too it. The Defence put forward a stronger case, which wasn't going to be difficult given the Prosecution's case.

Remember that the judge must be sure beyond doubt.

I'm a little disappointed because I don't think football's image has been improved with this case, there isn't this sort of abuse thrown about in other sports; nor Women's or Disabled football.

Respect the decision.
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