Jordan Peterson thread

Did you watch the video?

I'm curious to know how one could discern whether someone is or is not addicted to a substance from a video? I certainly wouldn't trust him to admit it. Time will tell.

That said considering the description of the state he was in not too long ago, it does at least appear that he's off of them, even if the treatment was harsh.
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It wasn't hard to predict, anyone paying attention could have seen what was coming.

I'm talking about his prediction as in the detail he puts into it and why its happening. Any chump can say "there might be a cultural civil war coming" but explaining all the moving parts and the human condition driving it is a different ball game altogether. There's no doubt he's one of the most well read people in the world, he's literally at the top of the game with marxism and whatnot.
The point is that traditional Christian orthodoxy - something that Peterson obviously identifies with and I'd say is his main drive - have been eroded to the point of irrelevance through many factors that seem rather benign today. There are some important events in the last century that have contributed to it and it has very little to do with Das Kapital.
The point is that traditional Christian orthodoxy - something that Peterson obviously identifies with and I'd say is his main drive - have been eroded to the point of irrelevance through many factors that seem rather benign today. There are some important events in the last century that have contributed to it and it has very little to do with Das Kapital. is Das Kapital though, religion is not reason, its economical/political and sociological. Marxism v Capitalism is what is playing out here, its why Antifa are displaying the hammer and sickle.
So in the span of just 11 posts StriderX has come in to ask if he's still addicted to drugs and then put him in the Orthodox Christian box, then attempts to demean anything he's said. We get it man, you couldn't say a good word about the guy even if we offered to give you a Ushanka with a golden Soviet badge on the front.
I'm curious to know how one could discern whether someone is or is not addicted to a substance from a video? I certainly wouldn't trust him to admit it. Time will tell.

That said considering the description of the state he was in not too long ago, it does at least appear that he's off of them, even if the treatment was harsh.
Why do you not trust him to tell the truth?

From what I've seen of his videos and interviews, he's always been truthful.

A very strange thing to say.
I'm curious to know how one could discern whether someone is or is not addicted to a substance from a video? I certainly wouldn't trust him to admit it. Time will tell.

That said considering the description of the state he was in not too long ago, it does at least appear that he's off of them, even if the treatment was harsh.

He already admitted to it and given quite a lot of details with regards to his health struggles and treatment. It would seem strange to admit to his problems, seek treatment, and then lie about it to keep it quiet. It was probably easier to admit to an unintentional medically prescribed addiction, rather than an illegal recreational addiction.
I really cannot believe how Cambridge University treated JP. At least Oxford handled it in a grown up sensible way and allowed him to speak.

If Sam Harris will debate him why not Cambridge ? But that's what its like today, disagree with the progressive narative get labeled, get censored. Hope he gets well soon.
Return (hopefully) of the lobster king...

Glad to see the good doctor appears to be on the mend.

There's no doubt he's one of the most well read people in the world, he's literally at the top of the game with marxism and whatnot.

Ironically, he doesn’t appear to be that well-read on Marx or the (original) postmodernists for that matter.

In his ‘debate’ with Slavoj Žižek (an actual Marxist), he showed just how little of Marx he actually knows, beyond the cliff notes of Das Kapital. Somewhat confirmed in his interview with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn‘s son (for the recent rerelease of The Gulag Archipelago) where it appears Solzhenitsyn junior has read more Marx than JBP.

I get that ‘postmodern cultural Marxist’ is a snappy sound bite, and everyone knows who’s being referred to, but the current wave of identity politics is a complete bastardisation of postmodernism and Marxism — which in itself is quite postmodern. ;) is Das Kapital though, religion is not reason, its economical/political and sociological. Marxism v Capitalism is what is playing out here, its why Antifa are displaying the hammer and sickle.

What we are seeing is a far cry from ‘the proletariat rising up to wrestle the means of production out of the hands of the bourgeoisie’ and I’d be surprised if your average hoodie-wearing Antifa scrote even understood what the hammer and sickle represents.
Glad to see the good doctor appears to be on the mend.

Ironically, he doesn’t appear to be that well-read on Marx or the (original) postmodernists for that matter.

In his ‘debate’ with Slavoj Žižek (an actual Marxist), he showed just how little of Marx he actually knows, beyond the cliff notes of Das Kapital. Somewhat confirmed in his interview with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn‘s son (for the recent rerelease of The Gulag Archipelago) where it appears Solzhenitsyn junior has read more Marx than JBP.

I get that ‘postmodern cultural Marxist’ is a snappy sound bite, and everyone knows who’s being referred to, but the current wave of identity politics is a complete bastardisation of postmodernism and Marxism — which in itself is quite postmodern. ;)

I watched that debate, it didn't come across as JBP knowing "very little" about Marxism, more like he didn't see the nuance that Slavoj can, because Slavoj is literally the ultimate marxist, so everything he says is through his rose tinted glasses of Marxism. I would much rather listen to a capitalist that understands marxism than a marxist that hates capitalism.

What we are seeing is a far cry from ‘the proletariat rising up to wrestle the means of production out of the hands of the bourgeoisie’ and I’d be surprised if your average hoodie-wearing Antifa scrote even understood what the hammer and sickle represents.

I don't disagree, but it doesn't take everyone to be Marxist intellectual to buy into the idea.

Marxism is a good idea on paper, but it doesn't play out like that. Human input is variable.

But the class stuggle is absolutely whats playing out here, the haves and the have nots. Do you think there would be these huge riots if they lived in million dollar mansions?

No chance.

That's why you don't see CEO's and celebrities taking part in the riots..

The thing is, if the protests were about wage stagnation over the last 10/20 years, the difficulty for young people to get ahead etc etc... i'd be pretty much onboard with that, like i don't disagree some things need to change for the better, but i can't get onboard with it in its current format.
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I read some opinion piece recently describing Jordan Peterson as ‘the dumb man’s smart person’....

.... which I think is a pretty lazy way of putting down the man and those that like him without ever providing any reasoning.

He seems to make an insane amount of sense on just about everything. I don’t even think what he says is ever ‘outrageous’ / ‘controversial’, just that people either don’t listen to what he is saying or are coming at him from some extreme end of the spectrum. I really like what he said about white privilege recently, which was effectively ‘of course it exists, but you can’t use it attack a bunch of people without any personal culpability’.

It’s also interesting to hear him described sometimes as ‘right wing’... really? I thought he dealt with philosophy and psychology more than anything else, and if I had to place him on that spectrum I’d suggest he was liberal from what I’ve seen.

Love that book of his as well. That one rule, treat yourself as someone you are responsible for looking after. Holy **** - it’s so painfully simple and spot on.

Yeah, I like him.
I read some opinion piece recently describing Jordan Peterson as ‘the dumb man’s smart person’....

That one is very odd, I mean he's got his flaws but he's pretty clear, justifies his claims etc.. That line seems to have been borrowed from (and is much, much more applicable to) someone like Russell Brand... very vague, takes populist lines that urban millennial and gen Z would support but with little substance. He was promoting some hacky "spiritual" guy recently as some amazing thinker, guy has basically just borrowed bits from a few major world religions.

It’s also interesting to hear him described sometimes as ‘right wing’... really? I thought he dealt with philosophy and psychology more than anything else, and if I had to place him on that spectrum I’d suggest he was liberal from what I’ve seen.

That seems to be the default attack of collectivists or just people who hear opinions that differ to whatever current the narrative is they've picked up on an issue. Seems to apply to anyone taking a liberal positron these days whether they're more right wing "classical" liberals or centrists or centre left liberals + social democrats.
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