Journey Back to The Stage

Strong 100 pressing! no idea how you struggled with 125 with that kind of pressing power.
It's odd isn't it?

One thing Rob keeps trying to stop me doing is just lose all tension as the bar hits my chest. So I'm all planted properly, stable base :p, heels planted, back arched, but as soon as I start to struggle, when I lower the bar, I just completely lose tension everywhere and am almost using all front Delts getting it up. Maybe why I struggle as the weight goes up
strong 125 delt press. I wonder if you'd find doing some paused work beneficial, it has the benefit of teaching you to keep tension among many other things.
Friday: Back

Deadlifts - 60kg x10, 100kg x8, 145kg x4x4, 185kg x2x2, 145kg x10
Widegrip Chins - BW x10x3
Bent Over Rows - 100kg x10x3,
One Arm Row - 38kg x10x2
GHR - x10x3

Knackered. So glad 10s are over. Down to 8 next week and I'm excited to see the weights I can shift
Yeah lol it's a bizarre ratio. I was doing 45-50kg DB rows before this program, but I just can't adapt to the rest periods. Hopefully next week with 8's I can bridge the gap a bit
To give you an idea, I normally do around 80kg BOR (pretty strict) and do about 60+ for DB..
8 reps this week

Monday: Shoulders/Triceps

Seated DB Press - 20kg x10x2, 26kg x5, 34kg x8x3
Side Laterals - 18kg x8x3
Z-Press - 50kg x8x3
Rear Delt Fly - 22kg x8x2
Inverted Row - BW x8x2
CGBP - 60kg x8, 90kg x8x2
Overhead DB Extension - 30kg x8, 45kg x8x2
Rope Pushdowns - 20kg x8, 25kg x8x2

Dem overhead extensions, so joocey at the moment as I've really clicked with them. Get a massive pump and all the right feels from them.
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PB here I come!!

Thursday: Quads

Leg Extension - 40kg x10x3
Squats - 60kg x10, 80kg x8, 100kg x5, 130kg x8x2
Box Squats - 140kg x8
Leg Press - 280kg x8, 390kg x8x2
Walking Lunges - 18kg x36x2
Box Jumps - x8x3

Squats feel so good at the moment. Straight away agreed to do 135 and 150 for sets next week, so that's brilliant for me. Well chuffed. I hope I can smash my PB at the new year meet
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