Journey Back to The Stage

Got a really annoying little niggle at the moment

Last week I noticed a slight pain in my back, on my left hand side, just below my rib cage, wasn't bad at all, but if I moved in a certain way or twisted, it would hurt a bit. Carried on and on Friday when I did deadlifts, it felt fine, however the next day it was a lot worse.

Now it still hurts when I move in a certain way, or if I arch my back and tense the area in anyway, however now it all feels bruised, although there's no visible sign of bruising. It's really tender to the touch all down my side and across my bottom rib on that left side.

Going to lift through it this week and hope next weeks break will do it some good

Anyone got any ideas what it could be?
Scott to the rescue, Quadratus lumborum is the culprit

And after reading about it and seeing images, it is exactly that. Feels bruised down my side from the bottom of ribs to my hip. Dat knowledge
Tuesday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 50kg x12x3
Squats - 60kg x10, 80kg x8, 100kg x5, 140kg x8x2
Box Squats - 150kg x8
Leg Press - 280kg x8, 360kg x8x2
Walking Lunges - BW x36, 20kg x24

My back was ruined tonight, squatting felt fine, but after the box squats, my lower back and QL was just on fire, so pumped and tight. Had Rob digging his elbow into it as hard as he possibly could but it just didn't touch it. Leg Press I had to lower the weight from last week as my left leg was just twitching constantly from the pain in my back. So we did lunges and called it a day as I was just in agony

Still, squats. Current 1RM is 150kg, but repped 140kg for 2 sets of 8. And then a 150kg for 8. So, I think 180 is definitely on the cards
Definitely should have had yesterday off. In agony today. Had to shuffle down off the end of the bed, as getting out normally was just impossible.

Every little movement hurts, tell you what bros, wiping your angus with a strained QL, not fun
Definitely should have had yesterday off. In agony today. Had to shuffle down off the end of the bed, as getting out normally was just impossible.

Every little movement hurts, tell you what bros, wiping your angus with a strained QL, not fun

A soloution to your problem is get on the OAKG so that you get bum wee and then you dont have to worry about wiping just drip dry :p
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