Journey Back to The Stage

Chest day!

Thursday: Chest/Biceps

High Incline DB Press - 30kg x15x2, 40kg x10x2
Incline Bench Press (3 second negatives) - 70kg x10x2, 80kg x10x2
DB Fly - 22kg x8x3
Dips - BW x15x2
DB Curl - 16kg x10x2, 22kg x8x2
Cable Curl - 20kg x15x3
Friday: Back/Hams

Wide Grip Pullups - BW x10x4
Deadlifts - 70kg x12, 110kg x10, 150kg x8x3
Laying DB Rows - 32kg x10, 38kg x8x2
Bent Over Row - 80kg x10, 100kg x8x3
Close Grip Pulldown - 75kg x10x2
SLDL - 80kg x8x3

Wasn't feeling it tonight, lack of sleep last two nights put me right off
Shoulders used to be a weak bodypart for me, but in the last three months they've come on leaps and bounds. Had to use a cable machine for all my tricep work as it was all that was available, gym got busy for some reason midway through

Monday: Shoulders/Triceps

Side Laterals - 14kg x20x2, 20kg x12x3
Seated BB Press - 60kg x15, 80kg x10x3
Face Pulls - 70kg x12x4
OHP - 60kg x10x3
Tricep Pushdowns - 25kg x15, 40kg x12x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 35kg x12x4
Cable Twists - 25kg x10x2

60kg for 10 on OHP is just all kinds of :eek:.
Had 25 minutes for a workout tonight. So pretty much squats only

Tuesday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 60kg x15x3
100kg x12x3
120kg x10
130kg x8x3
140kg x8x2
120kg x10x2
100kg x15

Thursday: Chest/Biceps

Bench Press - 80kg x12x2, 100kg x10x2, 110kg x8
Cable Crossover - 35kg x12x3
High Incline Bench Press (3 second negatives) - 70kg x10x2, 80kg x10x2
Dips - BW x20x2
Seated DB Curls - 12kg x15x7
Hammer Curls - 14kg x10x3
Monday: Back/Hams

Lat Pulldowns - 70kg x12x2, 90kg x10x3
Deadlifts - 70kg x12, 110kg x10, 150kg x8x3, 190kg x3, 200kg x2, 150kg x5
Bent Over Rows - 90kg x12, 120kg x10, 120kg x8, 90kg x10
Close Grip Pulldowns - 75kg x10x3
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x3, 45kg x12x3

POW! Deadlifts. Kind of a peeb as I repped my previous 1RM
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Bench Press - 70kg x12, 90kg x10, 110kg x10, 120kg x8, 90kg x10
Incline DB Press - 34kg x10x2, 30kg x8
DB Fly - 20kg x10x3
Chest Press/Dips Superset - 80kg x10/BW x10 x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 25kg x15x2, 30kg x12x2
Overhead DB Extension - 36kg x10x3
V-Pushdown - 35kg x10x2
It wasn't bro, don't worry

Last two reps were spotted as I was sticking at the midway point, but up to that they were bro rep free
Thursday: Shoulders/Biceps

Seated BB Press - 65kg x12x2, 85kg x10x2
Seated Side Laterals - 16kg x12x3
Rear Delt Fly - 20kg x12x4
Behind Neck Press - 70kg x10x3
Bar Curls - 30kg x15x3
Seated DB Curls - 16kg x12x3
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