Journey Back to The Stage

I think doing Z-Press or Savickas press, whatever it's called, helped my seated press massively. Might be worth giving it a go
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Wide Grip Pull Ups - BW x10x4
Bent Over Row - 90kg x15x2, 120kg x12x2
Close Grip Pulldown - 80kg x10x3
One Arm Row - 40kg x15x3
Pullover - 35kg x10x3
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x2, 50kg x10x3
SLDL - 70kg x12x3
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Bench Press - 70kg x15x2, 90kg x10, 110kg x10x2, 70kg (3 second negatives) x8
DB Fly - 20kg x10x3
High Incline Pin Press - 80kg x10x3
Cable Crossover - 30kg x20x2
Cable Pushdown - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10x2, 45kg x8
DB Overhead Extension - 38kg x10x3
Thursday: Quads

Squats - Bar, 70kg x15, 110kg x12x2, 130kg x10x4, 110kg x12
Leg Press - 250kg x15x5
Leg Extension 21s - 50kg x3

Think I done something on my adductor on leg press, hurts like buggery
Friday: Shoulders/Biceps

Seated BB Press - 60kg x15x2, 80kg x12x2, 90kg x8
OHP - 60kg x8x2, 60kg x10
Side Laterals - 18kg x15x3
Facepulls - 60kg x15x4
Preacher Curls - 30kg x15x3
Seated Incline Curls - 12kg x15x5
Hammer Curls - 16kg x10x2
Monday: Back

Lat Pulldowns - 70kg x12x2, 90kg x10x2
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x2
Bent Over Rows - 80kg x12x2, 110kg x10x2, 130kg x8
Deadlifts - 100kg x10x2, 140kg x8x2, 180kg x3, 210kg x2, 140kg x6
Pullovers - 30kg x10, 35kg x8x2
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x3, 45kg x12x2

Deadlift peeb
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Bench Press - 70kg x15x2, 90kg x12, 110kg x10x2
High Incline Bench (3 Second Negatives) - 70kg x10, 90kg x8x2
Incline DB Press - 34kg x8x3
Cable Crossover - 35kg x12x2
DB Overhead Extensions - 40kg x12x4
Cable Pushdowns - 35kg x10x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 30kg x12x2
Thursday: Quads

Squats - Bar, 70kg x15, 90kg x12, 110kg x12, 130kg x8x3, 150kg x6
Walking Lunges - 14kg x30x3
Leg Extension 21s - 45kg x3
DBSS - 12kg x10x3
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Lat Pulldowns - 65kg x15x2, 80kg x10x3
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x2
One Arm Row - 45kg x12x2, 55kg x10x2
Seated Cable Row - 85kg x12, 100kg x10x2
Bent Over Row - 100kg x12x2, 130kg x10
SLDL - 80kg x10x2, 60kg x4
Single Leg Curl - 20kg x10x2

Hamstrings just would not fire properly tonight so was a waste of time tbh. Back was strong though, one arm rows with slow negatives felt great with the 55s
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Dem pectorals. Only had 35 minutes to train tonight, so 10 second rests max

Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Incline Bench Press - 70kg x12x2, 90kg x10x2
High Incline DB Press - 36kg x10x3
Chest Press - 85kg x10x3
Dips - BW x15x2
Cable Pushdowns - 30kg x15x2, 40kg x10x2
Overhead DB Extensions - 40kg x12x3

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