Journey Back to The Stage

Oh it's almost certainly doing nothing once I'm going over a certain amount, but it was dirt cheap, so it's just a little experiment if anything
Monday: Shoulders/Triceps

Seated BB Press - Bar, 60kg x12, 70kg x10, 75kg x8
OHP - 50kg x10x2, 60kg x8
Side Laterals - 16kg x15x4
Face Pulls - 60kg x12x4
Overhead Rope Extensions - 40kg x10x3
One Arm DB Extension - 12kg x10x3
Single Arm Rope Pulldown - 15kg x10x2
Dem legs

Tuesday: Quads

Squats - 70kg x12, 90kg x10, 110kg x8, 140kg x6x3, 110kg x12
Leg Press - 300kg x10x4
Walking Lunges - BW x30x3
Leg Extension 21s - 50kg x2

Sickening chest workout of peace

Thursday: Chest/Biceps

Incline Bench - 70kg x15x2, 90kg x10, 100kg x8 (Dropset 70kg x8)
Incline DB Press - 32kg x12, 36kg x10x2
High Incline Pin Press - 70kg x10x2, 75kg x8
Bar Curls - 40kg x12x4
Hammer Curls - 14kg x10x3
Preacher Curls - 35kg x15x2

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Bro, I don't get it :( EDIT - Looked at image URL, now get it. <3

Friday: Back/Hamstrings

Laying DB Row - 32kg x12x2, 40kg x10x2
Lat Pulldown - 70kg x12, 90kg x10x2
Close Grip Pulldown - 65kg x10x3
Bent Over Row - 90kg x10, 120kg x8x3
Rope Pullover - 30kg x10x2
SLDL - 70kg x10x4
Hamstring Curl - 30kg x20x2, 45kg x10x3
Monday: Shoulders/Tris

Seated Side Laterals - 14kg x12x2, 18kg x10x2
Seated DB Press - 28kg x15, 34kg x10x2
Face Pulls - 55kg x12, 70kg x10x3
OHP - 50kg x10, 60kg x8x2
DB Front Raises - 16kg x10x3
Rope Pulldowns - 25kg x12x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 30kg x10x3
Single Arm Extensions - 15kg x10x2
Tuesday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 60kg x15x3
Squats - Bar, 70kg x10, 90kg x8, 110kg 5, 140kg x8x3, 150kg x6x2, 110kg x10
Leg Press - 250kg x12x2, 300kg x12x3
Front Squats - 80kg x10x3
It honestly just seems to come and go. If I don't warm up properly then it's more likely to give me grief, but the last few weeks it's been ok
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